Kuudere vs Deredere.

689 26 35

Fear x reader x Mari.

I'm so bad a titles f**k my life.

Pic above is my favorite drawing this week. :3

And from the q and a chapter, holy crap. So many comments! 0_0 And I leaned lots of you have a crush on fear? Why? XD


Waking up to someone sitting on top of you and shaking you wasn't exactly how you wanted to spend your Tuesday morning.

Opening your eyes, they meet with an excited pair of violet ones. Mari's eyes sparkled as he smiled down at you, his wings buzzing excitedly.

"Morning honey! Get up! Get up! I've got a fun day planned!" Mari squeals and rolls off of you, falling onto the floor.

"Are you okay?" You ask with a slight chuckle, looking over the side of the bed.

He was laying face first into the floor. He gave you a thumbs up before hopping to his feet.

"I've set out an outfit for you! Feel free to take a quick shower! I set out towels if you choose to! I'll be downstairs!" He squeals and zooms out of your room.

Okay who gave him coffee?

You chuckle to yourself and step out of bed, grabbing the sun dress he set out, you walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day he had planned. 


"My goodness, what has you so hyper?" Fear asks the vibrating bee, who was blushing a light yellow while downing his second bag of cookies.

Mari smiles with chocolate chips on his cheeks. "I'm taking y/n out! We're gonna go in the garden, fill the bird feeders, hang out by the pool! Color! And--"

Fear pinches the bridge of his non nose. "Calm down. You can't do all that at once, you'll wear her out."

"What do you suggest we do?" Mari asks, tilting his head cutely, in a way that made Fear's outer shell almost break.

Fear shakes his head. "Simple. She would rather read on the porch than be in the burning sun all day. And the garden will only get her dirty.. And I know you can't swim."

Mari pouts. "But that's boring! All you do is read!"

The black widow adjusts his glasses. "You do as well, but yours has pictures." He chuckles.

The bumblebee puffs out his cheeks. "Fine! Then we'll ask her what she wants to do!"

Fear shrugs his shoulders. "Fine by me."

When you had entered the kitchen wearing a bright yellow dress with a sunflower pattern, Mari blushed brightly, while Fear looked away with a slight lavender blush.

"Hey guys! So what's the plan?" You ask them, taking a seat between the two bug boys, taking a slice of toast of the plate in the center of the table.

Mari smiles. "I thought we could take a walk in the garden! Cupid just planted some new purple roses! And I wanted to check them out!"

Fear rolls his eyes. "All flowers are, are allergy carriers."

"Sure, I'd like to see what he's done with the place, I haven't been there in a while." You smile back to the bee, Fear frowns however.

"Great!" Mari grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you out of the backdoor, dragging you.

Fear sighs and walks after the two of you. "I suppose I shall go with you both. Only to get fresh air however."


Mari buzzed happily, hovering in front of you telling you many facts about each flower he had come across. Apparently back in the UK, he ran a flower shop.

Fear walked behind the both of you silently, observing the two of you and how you interacted with each other. Needless to say he was slightly envious. 

Growing up, Mari always seemed to be the favorite, while he was just.. Kind of there. Even aunty Margret spoiled Mari rotten.

Creator however brought the marvelous world of books to the widow, he still thanks her to this day for that. Books helped him ignore the world around him. Even if he's read them dozens of times.

You two were holding hands.. With caused Fear's eye to twitch, but he tried not to pay attention to it. Mari held hands with everyone.

But that blush on his cheeks told him that it was different in your case.

Fear sighs and takes a seat under one of the many trees, crossing one leg over the other, he opened the horror story of spiders only to smile slightly.

You and Mari sat on the grass, talking over random things while the bundle of sunshine spun flowers and weaved them into a crown. He took the thorns off first though.

Seeing your smile warmed the widow's cold soul a little, making a tinge of violet show on his cheeks. He hid it behind the covers of the hardback book in his hands.


He nervously drops his book in his lap at your sudden appearance, you smiled down at him with a flower crown in your hands.

"We made you one too!" You giggle and set the black roses on his head, after adjusting it you grinned.

Mari skipped over to you both with a box of snacks. "Sudden picnic anyone?"

Mari had a crown of sunflowers and Daisy's on his head, while you had your favorite flowers sitting upon your head.

They truly did bring out the color of your eyes.. Fear coughs awkwardly and takes a bag of oreos from Mari.

You held a bag of your favorite chips and smiled at the two of them, both of them blush a sunny yellow, and a nightly purple.

Mari held you hand while he ate, and Fear let out a sigh and took your hand in his small one, he avoided eye contact as he blushed.

Although you had a rude awakening, today was perfect. 

End. :3 Have some fluff, other than Mari's fluff.

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