Forces of nature.

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A little back story for the elements. You're welcome! Happy birthday to them. 5/17/20 :3


Ink had walked into a portal, landing in a pitch black void, lacking anything at all.

Sitting in the middle of the nothingness was one of the god versions of sans. Seraphim sat with his legs crossed, head in his hands.

Ink looked up at the massive skeleton, a little worried as to why he was suddenly summoned. Just what did he need help with?

"Sir?" Ink spoke up nervously, despite lacking emotions. You could feel the worry and nervousness in the void of black.

The god looked down at the artists, tilting his head slightly. "Creation... About time you showed up, I have a task for you."

Ink nervously fiddled with his hands. "What kind if task?"

"You make alternate universes all the time yes? All by yourself? It gets tiring does it not?" The six winged behemoth asked.

Ink nodded. "Yes. I help the creators make them from scratch, but it is rather difficult to do it all my self.. Why do you ask?"

"Well... For the greater good of all that is protected, I figured you'd need a hand.. Someone to take care of the lava in hotlands."

With a snap of his fingers, a tiny, bright orange soul hotter than fire had appeared, floating in front of the artist.

"Someone to take care of the plant life in the underground." A tiny green soul, smelling of fresh cut grass floated next to the previous soul.

"Someone to take care of the weather patterns in each biome." A light blue soul the same color of the sky blew over like a breeze to the other souls.

"And lastly, someone to care for the waters of the marsh." Lastly, a deep blue soul of the coldest waters gently floated over to the previous three.

Inks eyes sparkled in delight at the tiny souls, no younger than a newborn. He held them in the palms of his hands.

"They shall help you with each creation of each new world you are set to make. Making each of them more beautiful than the over them, teach them well." The god muttered with a slight smile, turning away from the artist to wrap himself in his massive wings.

Ink looked down at the souls and smiled, holding them closer to his chest with a newfound admiration and protection.


"What are you supposed to do with them?" The guardian of dreams asked, looking over the tiny souls in amazement.

Ink shook his head. "Seraphim wanted me to watch over them, teach them the beauty of creation. But.. They need a host of so sort."

"I think I know just the girl." Dream smiled, causing the souls to glow brighter.


"Seraphim asked you to do this? I'm so honored!" The woman smiles, holding the souls in the palms of her hands.

Dream and Ink nod, both of them with a smile.

"They're in good hands, tell him I'm thankful for the little babybones." She wipes tears from her eyes as the tiny souls blend in with her deep green one.

She receives hugs from the artist and dream catcher.


Ink smiled with a pencil hanging out of his mouth while he looked over the various drawings of an au called 'Swapfell violet.'

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