Sharing? What is that?

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Romeo x quiet! Reader x Amour.

(Amour isn't stabby stab in this one. Just protective.)

(Yeah idk what else to type..yee...)


You never were much of a talker, you were always the quiet one in the back of class.

Many people thought you were mute.

You weren't, you were just quiet. With nothing much to say.

Which made you wonder, how in the world of creator's insane mind, did you befriend a lust demon, and an angel of blood?

No idea.

It's fanficion, don't question  things.


Anyway, you and Amour sat in your bedroom, pigging out on ice cream and snacks while you both watched obsessive movies.

Well, Amour listened.

The ghostlike color of white and gold was faded in his eyes, glistening in wonder at the sounds of the movie. Almost like a crystal ball.

He smiled, revealing his large fangs. "I'll be right back, it seems like were out of popcorn."

You made a small hmm sound in response as he kissed your forehead then left your room.

He still had the habit of crossing his arms behind his back even if he didn't have his restraints on.


Amour tapped his foot against the floor as he waited for the microwave to beep. "Come on you stupid microwave! Cyrus is faster than you, even if he has dialup!"

He sighs out of frustration, hands itching to reach the knife block, he shook his head and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

Until he heard glass break, which out him on high alert. What if it was someone who wanted to her his sweet y/n!?

He grit his teeth, a hand clenching in his right pocket, drawing blood from his palm from his sharp claws.

He darted for the living room, listening for any sound at all, other than the hum of your TV in the other room.

"Ouch.. My perfectly made a**...I guess that wasn't such a good idea after all.." A voice groaned in pain, in the corner of the room.

Amour acted out of instinct.

He warped on top of the figure, switch blade digging into their throat. "Who are you!?"

The person underneath him, chuckled, hands up in surrender. "Hey baby bro. Is that how you say hello to your lusty brother?"

Amour's eye twitched. "Romeo?" He quickly removes himself from the purple pervert. "What are you doing here?"

Romeo helped himself up, dusting his coat off. "I came in through the window. Taking a tight turn while flying isn't the best way to land.."

"You didn't answer my question." Amour hissed, crossing his arms, not even noticing his bloody hand.

Romeo chuckled. "I'm here to see y/n of course.~ Where is the pyt?" Romeo moves to pass Amour but fails.

"What the hell does pyt even mean?"

Romeo shrugged. "Pretty young thing, duh. Now move your short a**. Oh and your hand is bleeding btw." The lust demon flies over his brother to find you.

Amour sighed and face palmed with his other hand. Then, walked off to the kitchen to get the slightly burnt popcorn and the first aid kit.


You were about to put in another movie, until you got a knock on your doorway. You turned your head to face it.

Romeo stood there, hand on his hip, winking, his neon purple and pink clothes making your eyes sting a little.

You simply waved and took a seat on your bed, patting the spot next to you.

Romeo smirked and took a seat next to you, kicking off his platform boots.

He wrapped a wing around you, a hand on your knee as he usually did.

"Good to see you too, doll. How've you been? I've noticed you hanging out with my baby bro more than me.." He pouts. "Am I that annoying?"

You shake your head and hug him with a smile.

He smelled like his usual body spray, something called midnight fantasies? You don't remember. Or was it called lavender desire?

He chuckles and hugs you back, free hand playing with the loose stands of your hair.

Amour had entered your bedroom, almost bumping into the doorway again, he sat on the opposite side of you, the popcorn bowl set aside.

"Romeo... Don't you think the whole bottle of purple passion enough? Or did you use twenty gallons again?" Amour said with a bit of sass.

Romeo rolled his eyes. "No... And for you're information, it was only half of the bottle, plus two others!"

Amour sighed in annoyance. "Y/n, shall we continue our movie marathon?"

You nod happily, pulling away from the demon skeleton, and getting comfortable in your favorite blanket.

Romeo smirked at your cuteness and hopped down on the floor, scanning the pile of movies.

Amour followed after him with an annoyed scowl.

Romeo suddenly pouted once more. "All of these movies suck! They're lacking s--"

Amour kicked him in the ribs then sat back on the bed next to you, wings resting against the headboard.

"Ow! Rude!" Romeo sighed and plopped next to you, tangling a leg with yours.

Then he whispered. "I'm glad Amour is blinder than a bat, I can cuddle you as close as I want and he can't do a thing about it!~"

"I can hear you, pervert. You forget my other senses are much stronger. Idiot..." Amour smacked his leg from yours and shoved him with an elbow.

Romeo growled. "That's it! You want war with the Rome's? Then you've got a war!" He suddenly jumped at Amour.

Amour easily dodged and warped to the other side of the bed, making Romeo smack into your dresser.


Amour rolled his eyes. "Brothers..."

You giggle at this.

Making both of them suddenly stare at you, Romeo gasped. "Oh my god! That was the cutest thing I've ever heard!"

Amour smiled. "You actually made a sound.. I'll treasure the memory love."

You rolled your eyes. "It was just a laugh."

Romeo tackled you. "AWW! You sound like a mouse!"

Amour shoved him off with a slipper covered foot. "No touching."

"Can't you guys just share me?" You ask, looking between the two.

Amour and Romeo both turn their heads to you. "No!" They both yell.

You face palm.


I got bored since Thanksgiving was depressing and I didn't get to celebrate it.

Did you guys have a good Thanksgiving? I hope so.

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