Insanity isn't an issue.

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Non! Yandere Amour x reader.

This happens sometimes, and yeah if the pic is there, that's what Amour looks like w/o the blindfold. I'll probably color it when I'm not feeling lazy.

Also, I sometimes do an Amour voice to creep out my sister.


Creator had called you over for a slumber party with her idiot boys as she called them.

For the fangirls, Cyrus is there. Was that she put at the bottom of your text.

Jasper had let you inside of the mansion, taking your bags. "They're upstairs, in Asher's room, since his is the biggest."

"Thanks JJ." You sent him a smile, causing him to blush a faint lavender as you went up the stairs.

Once at the top of the stairs, you almost fell thanks to an angry Hallow storming passed you, with shaving cream all over his stripes, leaking into his skull.

He was muttering curse words in German again, stomping like a spoiled brat.

"Great to see you too Hallow." You yell, before turning right to find the werewolf's room.


The room was a mess, blankets covering a large web, thanks to Fear. Pillows and blankets were all thrown into the web.

Creator was laughing currently, wearing a torn tank top, Navy blue pajama pants covering her pale legs.

Coby was huddled into a corner, squealing loudly whenever the web touched him.

Lockheart had his wings folded and a grin on his face as he tossed a can of shaving cream on the floor.

Cupid looked annoyed, a pink and black sleep mask on his forehead. He was pinching the bridge of his non nose as he sighed.

Asher was snickering, lacking a shirt, having torn/scratched/ boxers on.

Fear sat in the middle of the web, using his legs to fix any tears in it, he was currently wearing a red pair of glasses. Which was odd. Yet, cute.

"Hey guys." You announced your arrival.

Fear looked down at you and smiled. "There you are love, we were beginning to think that you've gone off somewhere. Let me help you up."

He hops down, having his widows waist, the spider legs tapping against the wood floor, making Coby get a shiver down his back.

He took you by the hand and tossed you over his back, you landing on the spider back end. "You might want to hold on dear."

You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, as he climbed up the side of the wall.

He gently tossed you into the center of the web, it being very soft and warm.

"This thing won't collapse.. Right?" You ask, poking at the violet webbing.

Fear shakes his head. "No, I sewed it myself. It could hold all fourteen of us if all of us were here. Don't worry love."

Creator hops across Asher's lap and hugs you. "About time dork! Finally another chick, all I get to deal with is men all day.. Well, five men and one man child."

Cupid sends her a frown. Seeming to be offended.

"What, you don't age. Shut up." She sends him a playful glare, then pulls away from you.

You smile at the boys, each of them sending you their own type of greeting.

Lock was a casual wave.

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