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Fear x maid reader.

Why? I don't know. I wanted to write something cute, since Fear seems to have lots of fangirls who find him cute. Even if he is a cannibal.

Oh, and someday I'd like to make an actual Outcast book. Maybe where the reader is their maid? Idk. I've written a smol oneshot like it before.

What do you guys think? This can be a smol peek of how it would be.


You had been working for the Outcast's for less then a week and they were already friendly with you.

Cupid didn't order you around much at all, he'd help you with your chores when he could.

Hallow didn't come out much, he was only out during the night. And when he was, he didn't ask for your blood. He let you take breaks and watch horror films with him.

Coby would hit on you a few times, before getting scolded by Cupid. But other than that, he'd joke around with you to cheer you up.

Asher was a sweetheart who helped you carry heavy things. He made you blush whenever he called you 'lass.' He didn't order you around, he just ask you to help him with small things.

Lockheart was a bit harsh. Yelling whenever you did something wrong, which was probably due to his OCD. And he was always seemed to leave whenever you entered the room.


But, Master Fear on the other hand, you almost never saw him. He was so quiet, you never heard him speak or even notice he was there.

He mostly kept to himself and his in his room, doing whatever he does all day. He only comes out when he runs out of tea.

He hasn't ordered you around once.

He's never asked you to do a task for him, he would do it himself.

Did he hate you? Or was he just antisocial? Was he mute?

You shook your thoughts away and knocked on his door. "Master Fear? Cupid says its laundry day, and I've come to retrieve your clothes."

You waited a second before knocking again, was he asleep?

His door suddenly opened, letting out some cold air that smelled of vanilla spice.

You slowly walked in with a laundry basket in your arms. His room was a fresh navy blue, tones of grey were thrown in here and there. And the floors were stainless wooden tiles.

But, you didn't see him at all. Where was he?

Tapping above you snapped you out of your trance, looking up, you gasped seeing him upsidedown on the ceiling.

He had one legs crossed over the other with his hands in his lap. Using a spider leg to shut the door behind you, he walked down the side of the wall.

You knew he was a hybrid, but you had no idea he was half arachnid. Whenever you caught a glimpse of him, he only had two legs, not eight.

He plopped in front of you, his eyes showing little emotion as he adjusted his glasses and turned on his heel, walking over to a table in the middle of the room.

He was much shorter than you, wearing a grey turtleneck, grey slacks, and small felt boots, while his signature trenchcoat was missing.

He pointed to a white sack in the corner of the room, and you walked over to it, inside was none other than his dirty laundry. Along with his trenchcoat.

The sack was made of webbing, blue glowing webbing mind you.

"Sorry if I disturbed you, Master Fear. I know you prefer solitude, and you wish for no one to bother you." You put the sack into your basket.

Fear hums with a nod and sits at the small table, fine china sat upon a silver plater, along with many pastry's.

So that's where the vanilla smell came from..

Suddenly your stomach growled, making you blush and advert your eyes.

Fear looked at you from the corner of his eye, and waved a hand for you to come over to the table.

You nod and set the basket on the floor, walking over to him, you took a seat across from him.

"Are you sure?" You ask, hesitant to take one of the donuts.

Fear nods and takes a sip of tea.

"Thank you, I skipped breakfast to help Master Cupid in the garden.." You smiled and took a bite of the purple icing covered donut.

Fear simply nods and tosses two sugar cubes into his tea, taking another sip .

You nervously fiddled with the lace of your skirt, the silence was starting to get rather awkward, and you couldn't help but feel like Fear was waiting for you to say something.

Maybe you could ask him a few things? About the others perhaps? But, what if he was mute? How could you ask him?

"Master Fear..." You start, looking up at his judgmental violet eyes.

All four of his eyes met yours instantly as he set his teacup down. He wiped his fanged mouth with a napkin.

"Yes?" He replies, shocking you.

That's the first time you've ever heard him speak.. His voice was chilling, having a strange echo to it, but it was laced with a heavy British accent.

"Wow.. You have a nice voice." You nervously smile, fiddling with your hands.

"So I've been told. Thank you Lady Y/n." His eyes blinked in a weird pattern, bottom to top, left to right, sometimes even diagonally.

It was strange, but interesting.

"I just wanted to thank you for your kindness. Its a nice change of pace from Master Lockheart..." You advert your eyes, thinking of the burns on your forearm.

Fear shakes his head. "You are  welcome Lady y/n. I only do what a simple gentleman would do. I am sorry you have to deal with him and his stupid tantrums."

You sigh. "I'm sure he means well..."

Fear lifts a brow. "I assure you he does not. He only acts like a female on her monthly cycle to hide his feelings. He's actually a softie hiding behind a spike covered wall." He takes another sip of tea.

You giggle slightly at that, so Master Lockheart was a tsundere? Good to know.

"You know, this was nice. Thank you  Master Fear." You bow and stand from the table to retrieve your basket.

"No need to thank me, Lady y/n. Feel free to visit me anytime you wish to." He smiles slightly, which made him look cute.

"I sure will, see you later Master Fear." You smile back and walk over to his door to leave.

"Oh, and Lady y/n?"

You turn back to him. "Yes?"

"Enough with that absurd title. No need for formalities. Call me Sebastian." He winks, turning back to his table.

You blush and leave with a nod. "Of course Sebastian. See you later."

"Farewell Darling."

You close his door behind you and leave the second floor.

End..? Idk what did you guys think? I may make this an actual book at some point. Maybe after this book?

This was just an idea. :3

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