~Love hurts.~

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Human! Amour x reader.

I made the human version of Amour in gancha I got bored. I can't draw humans. -_-

Inspired of the song: Lolita from Lana del rey. Fits him well.


Amour Valentine.

The total heartthrob of the whole school, and the art teachers son. Adopted? Perhaps.

Each of the ladies went nuts and squealed, giggling whenever he quietly walked passed them.

It was strange... It was like he had this aura that brought women to him like a magnet.

His soft pink locks cupped his smooth pale face, the heart on his cheek standing out against it. He always had cloth over his eyes, no one knew why.

He had two small horns on his head which parted his short hair, the tips of the locks fading to white. He always walked quietly with his arms behind his back.

He wore the school uniform, but added his own flare of pink to it. Along with that silk, red and white bow tie he always wore.

You had your eye on him, he's seemed to have drawn you to him as well. You weren't sure why.. Something about him just stood out to you.

You would blush anytime he would walk passed you, humming something or other.

One of the tramps.. Ahem, popular's walked up to him, Tiffany you think her name is, decided to get his attention.

"Hello there Amour, are you busy? Me and my friends wanted to know if you wanted to join us at lunch!~" She batted her lashes and perked up her chest with her crossed arms, sticking her hip out.

Amour simply walked passed her, ignoring her completely which made you laugh as she threw a fit like a child.

"Hey! I was talking to you!"

Amour stops in front of you, turning back to the makeup obsessed teen. "I know, I just don't care for what you or your idiotic friends have to say."

He bows and continues his walk down the hall. Leaving Tiffany in the dust to bawl her eyes out from rejection.

Your eyes were wide as you watched him walk away, glad to know he didn't settle.

And he was sassy.


You were enjoying your lunch in the courtyard when someone dressed in black and red took a seat next to you.

Your looked up and found one of Amour's brothers staring down at you.

His ruby eyes held a protective glare, the scar on his cheek stood out, as did the larger horns sticking out of his red locks.

"Y/n, right?" He asks, crossing one leg over the other, his arms crossed, heel tapping impatiently on the sidewalk.

"Yeah thats me. Aren't you one of Amour's brothers?" You ask him, noticing the same heart shaped birthmark he and the bothers had on their cheeks.

Their mother must have kissed them there a lot.

"Lockheart Valentine. Yeah, he's my baby brother.. Anyway.. Be careful around him." He warns, his ruby eyes darkened.

"Why?" You ask, tilting your head.

He sighs. "Just.. This is a warning. Don't be a dumba**." He stands up from the bench and walks away, the cross earring he had shimmering in the sunlight.

Why would you have to be careful around Amour? He didn't even know you.


"Another one of those anime love comics?" Sebastian asks, a slight smile on his pasty white face, you could tell he hasn't been in the sun for a while.

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