Payback. (short story)

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Author chan has horrible writer's block.. And no inspiration... Help.

Hopefully this'll be funny. I wanted to write something for you guys.

Jasper was spooked when Cupid came stomping past his room, the pixie appeared to be in a rage faze once again.

He floated after the angry pix, observing his behavior.

Cupid slammed his bedroom door shut with a growl, Jasper paid no mind and simply went through it while Cupid threw his hissy fit.

Cupid kicked off his boots and tossed himself on his bed, he screamed into his pillow while he battered his fists against the headboard.

Jasper took a seat at the end of the bed, his hands in his lap as he kept his eyes on Cupid's angry form. It was strange really.. Cupid wasn't the type to throw tantrums, that was usually Lockheart's job.

Someone must have really p*ssed him off for him to have an outburst like this. It was Hallow most likely.

Cupid sighed and rolled on his side, as he calmed, he notice the room had grown much colder.

"Jasper.. I know you're here." He muttered, crossing his arms.

Jasper nodded and revealed himself. "Are you okay?"

Cupid sighs. "Yeah.. Just Lockheart being an a**hole!"

Jasper was taken back, he knew this was serious.. Cupid never cursed unless he was under massive emotional stress.

Jasper pat him on the back, right between the wings. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Cupid was about to speak, until a smirk stretched on his face, making him look much more like his evil twin Amour. It creeped the ghost out honestly.

"Yes actually.. Can you be a doll and teach Lockheart a lesson? Maybe scare him a little bit?" Cupid put his hand on his chin in thought.

Jasper nods. "Sure, but how will this help exactly?"

Cupid's eyes shined in mischief. "Oh it'll help. It'll be hilarious to see him terrified.. Do what you want. This'll cheer me up."

The ghost smiles and rises. "Sure thing, anything for you my dear friend!"

Cupid watches as the spirit leaves through the wall, and into the attic with a menacing grin on his face.

This'll be fun.

"Payback is a b*tch." The pixie giggled to himself quietly.


Lockheart huffed with his fists clenched. Cupid could really be a whiny b*tch at times.. And it drove him insane.

He sighed out a flame into the fireplace, his foot tapping slowing as he calmed down.

Suddenly, the fire went out with a whisper, the room felt as if it was the middle of winter, it was eerily silent.

"Hallow! If this is another one of your pranks, I'm gonna burn your a**!" He shouted, only to get no response.

He felt a shiver go down his spine at the silence.. It felt as if he wasn't alone.. Where was everyone though?

Suddenly he was thrown into the wall, as many knives flew out of the kitchen, outlining his body.

However Lockheart let out a loud squeal when one landed right between his legs, only a quarter inch from his.. Ahem.

He was gripped by the jacket collar and thrown across the room, he landed on his chest with a groan.

He didn't get to lay there for long however, as the force grabbed his wings and swung him up, making his back hit the ceiling.

Before he could catch his breath, the knives spun in the air and threw their selves one at a time at his body.

Each only one inch from hurting him.

Lockheart coughed when one blades tip was to his throat, poking it only slightly.

He was pinned.. If he moved the knife would be lodged into his vocal cords.

He looked to the right as saw Cupid cackling as he walked down the stairs very slowly.

"Cupid! Help me! The knives have a mind of their own!" He shouted, the knife's tip flipping, slightly cutting into his chin.

His bother paid no mind, and crouched over him, a smile wide on his face.

Lockheart felt his hot blood run cold when he looked into his twin's eyes.. They were solid white, neon purple swirling in the endless pools of white.

"What the f**k!? Listen! If this is about earlier, I'm sorry! I admit it I'm an a**hole! Please just stop this!" Lockheart pleaded as his halo wearing brother crept closer to his face.

He winced, flinching when a gloved hand rested on his cheek.

"Thank you, that's all I wanted to hear." Cupid giggled eyes returning to their bubblegum pink.

Cupid turned his head to the side and made a gagging sound as a violet smoke flowed out of his mouth.

And suddenly the smoke formed into a familiar figure, as Jasper appeared next to him, grinning.

"Thank you Jasper, I think he learned his lesson." Cupid smiled, wiping his mouth.

Jasper nodded and pat Lockheart's head then disappeared into the fireplace as the fire sprung to life once again.

Cupid picked up each of the knives and tossed them back into the kitchen drawer.

Lockheart followed after him. "Are you a psycho! I nearly died!"

Cupid turned back to him. "Are you going to shut up, or am I gonna have to have Jasper posses me again?" He smirks.

Lockheart shook his head, his hands in the air in surrender as he ran out of the room.

Cupid giggled, and high fives the air next to him. "Now.. Who else needs punished?"

0__0 I haz issues. Honestly I just wanted Jasper to posses someone.

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