Sweet as honey. (800 Special)

776 31 26

First things first, Thank you all. I love each and every one of you. I couldn't have made it this far without you all.

*arms open* Group hug?

Now, onto the oneshot.


Have you ever had a day where it felt like nothing was ever going to get better? Well. Today was one of those days.

You had gotten fired from your job, you failed a test that you had been studying for, and your boyfriend had walked out on you.

You were sick of everything at the moment. Life seemed to hate you even more today.

You walked home from school and sure enough it started to rain, soaking your clothes.

You entered the park that was close to your house just to take a break from everything.

You sat on a bench, your backpack on the ground as you started to sob into your arms.

That test you failed was going to be your ticket to the job you wanted and yet, you failed it.

Your stupid boyfriend left you too, he claimed that you were ignoring him, when you were just studying all week.

And since the test took longer to finish you were late for work and thus got fired.

It seemed like nothing ever went good for you. You never had any good luck with anything.

You cried harder into your soaked sleeves, the rain poured even harder, as if it was crying with you.

"Miss? Is everything alright?" A sweet voice asked.

You looked up at the voice and saw a small skeleton monster, he wore a black and yellow striped shirt. Warm looking fluff surrounded his neck, and two antennas rested on his forehead.

His violet eyes were filled with concern as he held the umbrella over the both of you.

He handed you a handkerchief to wipe your face. And you took it to wipe your tear away.

One you did, you noticed him take a seat next to you, the umbrella over the both of you. "Please, tell me what is wrong."

You sighed. "I'm having the worst day of my life... Nothing ever seems to go right... No matter what I do."

He gives you a look of concern as he pulls you into his side, you cling to him and cry into his shoulder.

As weird as it was hugging a random stranger, it seemed like he knew what you needed. And you didn't even know his name.

After sitting in the rain, crying your heart out you began to feel much better. "Th-thank you.. I'm sorry for hugging you so suddenly..."

He sadly smiles. "Don't be miss. I don't mind. I'm just doing what makes everyone feel better! Sometimes, a hug is all you need."

He rests his jacker over your shoulders as the rain let's up, it sprinkling now.

"Thank you.. Uh..?" You look up to him, your eyes meeting his unique and beautiful violet ones.

"Mari. Mari Gold." He smiles and shakes your hand.

"Mari. Thank you for cheering me up.. I'm feeling a lot better now.. Thanks to you." You smile.

His face flushes a light yellow/purple as he giggles. "Anything for you sweetie!"

You feel your cheeks flush.

"Oh! Sorry, that's just what I call everyone! Wh-whats your name?" He asks, the fluff around his neck poofed a little at his embarrassment.

"Y/n l/n." You giggle, he was kind of cute flustered.

You both began to talk about random topics, stories about life, and friends and family.

When the rain had finally stopped, you both walked along the paths of the park.

When he put his umbrella down you gasped. He had a small crown on his head.

He was a prince!?

"What?" He asks, tilting his head.

"You're a prince!? Shouldn't I be bowing to you your majesty!" You panic kneeling down in front of him.

Mari's cheeks glow gold. "Y/n, no. I may be a prince, but that doesn't mean you have to bow to me! Its too formal!"

He helps you back to your feet. "And please, just call me Mari, there is no need for all that formality."

"Well that's good, I was ashamed that you, a prince, had to see me like this.." You pout.

Mari giggles. "Nonsense y/n. It is quite alright, I'm not bothered one bit. We've all had our own share of bad days."

He takes your hand in his as you both walk the cement trails, he takes a daisy and tucks it behind your ear.

"You look lovely." He smiles with a faint blush.

You blush too and hide your face.


You both sat in the grass, talking back and forth, he needed up making a whole flower crown for you.

"Is that a tail?" You ask him, pointing to the black spear shaped tail behind him.

"Huh? Oh. No, that's my stinger!" He giggles. "So, try not to sneak up behind me, I might accidentally sting you!"

Wait.. Black and yellow.. Crown.. Fluff... Stringer..

"You're a bee?" You ask.

He nods. "Well, you're half right." His sky blue, see through wings stretch behind him. "I'm a bumblebee actually!"

"You're too cute." You smile suddenly hugging him, and snuggling your face into the floof on his chest.

He squeaks. "And you're sweet as honey." He smiles and hugs you back.


I hope you enjoyed. His name is pronounced M-are-ee not merry XD

 His name is pronounced M-are-ee not merry XD

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