My idiot.

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Lockheart x reader. With an extra side of Tsundere?

Here's your order reader -chan.

No, this wasn't a request XD I'm just being random.

I love Tsundere asmr's. Idk why. -//-


'Finally!' You thought as the bell rang, meaning hell, I mean school was over for the week!

You quickly gathered your things and jogged out the door to get to your locker as soon as possible.

Many monsters and humans swarmed the halls, a few bumping into you a few times. You tried not to drop your things.

You had finally managed to get through the massive crowd, successfully making it to your locker.

But, someone was leaning against it with their arms crossed. You recognized him.

Lockheart Valentine. One of the meanest guys in school, he cursed all the time, he's been sent to detention over a hundred times.

What did he want?

Sure you did have a small crush on the bad boy, but.. He didn't know about that...did he? His brother was Cupid, and he could feel the aura of love.

"Um, can I help you with something?" You poke his elbow.

He opened his eye sockets and quickly pulled his arm away from you, them at his sides clutching fists. "Do not touch me again! Filth."

He wiped the sleeve of his coat then stood to the side. "Why'd you wake me!?"

You roll your eyes and unlock your locker taking your backpack out to pack your folders away.

"I asked you a question idiot!" He stomps a high heel and crossed his arms again.

"I didn't know you were sleeping standing up. And I was just trying to get to my locker, what are you doing here anyway?" You ask him, shutting the locker and locking it.

"N-no reason! It was quiet here!" He fumes, looking to the side.

"Uh huh sure." You giggle and start to walk away from him, until he grabs your arm.

"Wait up idiot! I came to ask you something, creep!" His claws dig into your forearm.

"Ow!" You yelp.

He blushes and quickly let's go of you. "Oh shut up you're fine. They're not that sharp! Quit being such a baby!"

You rub your forearm to ease the pain a little, he's a terrible lair, they were sharp..

"What did you want to ask me?" You ask, tilting your head slightly.

His cheeks turn a little pink as he scoff and rolls his eyes. "J-just shut your mouth and follow me!" He takes you by the wrist and drags you out of the school.


He dragged you all the way to the garden behind the school, all the flowers shined in different shades of pink.

"Wow, its so pretty here." You smile, taking a seat on one of the stone benches.

He sighs. "Well duh! Its became my brother takes care of it! He's in the gardening club! Stupid!" He sits next to you, crossing one leg over the other.

"Oh is he? Maybe that's why I don't see him that often." You pick one of the tulips, taking a whiff of it.

Lockheart's cheeks blush a faint red as he stared at you. You looked beautiful in the sunlight..

"Enough about him! Its bad enough that I have to live with him! Just shut up already!" He pouts.

You giggle at his obvious jealously, you could tell he was trying to hide it. But failing.

"Okay okay, so, you had something to ask me?" You set the flower in you lap, fiddling with its leaves slightly.

"Yeah, why do you keep staring at me like a freak in gym class? I mean I know that I'm gorgeous, but its weird, your weird!" Lockheart hisses, his cheeks still a little red.

Your cheeks turn pink. "Oh.. You saw that? Well.. I guess I think you're kind of.. Cute?"

"Eh!?.... I- I mean! Of course you do! Who wouldn't!? I'm amazing." He smirks with a hand on his chest.

It had fallen into an awkward silence..


"I mean.. You're not so bad on the eyes either.." He mumbles, turning away, cheeks burning.

"What?" You faintly smile.

"N-nothing! I said you're stupid! Are you brain dead? I said you're a dork who's attracted to people far above you!" His tail whips behind him.

"Sure you did." You giggle and poke the broken heart on his cheek.

"G-gah! Don't touch me with those nasty mits you call hands!" He swats your hand away, only making you laugh.

"You're cute when you're angry." You snicker, watching his face burn a beautiful shade of red.

"I DO NOT! Stop saying weird things!" He grits his teeth and stands from the bench, standing in front of you with a glare in his ruby eyes.

"But its true! You turn into a cute spicy cherry!" You laugh, holding your stomach.

He growls. "Take that back or else..!"

"Or else what?" You smirk.

Suddenly you were tackled down to the ground, far off from the bench, with him looming over you.

You squeak, your crush was on top of you..'What do I do!?' Your mind was internally screaming.

His knee was between your legs, his other leg on the side of you, his arms on either side of you.

"I warned you.." He leans down and presses a heated kiss to your lips.

Your face was far more red than his wings, his teeth were sharp, but he was strangely an amazing kisser.

He pulled away before you could even react. "...idiot." He quickly gets off of you and stands next to your flustered being.

"Get off the ground moron. You're gonna get your clothes dirty.." He takes your hand and pulls you to your feet.

"Just because I kissed you, doesn't mean I like you...." He begins to walk away from you, till he looks back at you. " adorable idiot.."

Then he's gone, leaving you to recollect what just happened.

End. :3

I love tsundere's.. So much.

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