Crybaby. (short story)

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Based off three songs from Melanie Martinez.

Nurses office, Crybaby, and Recess. Plz listen to them.


Octavian held his arms up in defence, trying to block his face from the fists aiming at him with hate.

They all laughed and laughed, his dams about to break as he tried to keep a straight face.

"Hey! What on earth do you think you're doing! Leave my brother alone!" A voice yelled, anger filling them.

Octavian let out a sigh in relief as he slid down the brick wall, holding a hand over his cheek.

The group of male monsters turned back and while the rest of them felt fear in their core, their leader kept a smirk as they darted left and right.

"And what are you gonna do about it? Huh? Photosynthesis me to death? Huh pot head?" The boy taunted with laughter.

Aspen growled as he vines un curled and wrapped around the boy's throat, lifting him off of the floor.

The male coughed and clawed at the vines, trying to breathe.

Aspen sent him a smirk. "Touch my brother again and I'll turn grind your bones to dust, got it!?"

The male nodded, barely awake.

"Good." Aspen whipped his head around and his vines slammed the boy into wall harshly, knocking him out cold.

Aspen spat at the boy, then kneels by his brothers side, his hand under his chin. "Octi? Are you alright?"

Octavian shook his head and quickly embraced his elder brother. "Thank.. You.."

Aspen nodded. "Let's get you to the nurses office, I'll call mother and tell her what happened."

Aspen wrapped an arm around his bleeding brother, and guided him through the halls, while Octavian limped.


Alistair sat by the small bed, his wings twitching in worry. "Is he gonna be okay?"

The nurse nodded. "He should be fine in a week or two. Nothing too serious, but his vision may be a little blurred for a few days."

Aspen sat in one of the chairs, talking to his mother over the incident over the phone, having to keep the phone a few inches from his face, thanks to his mothers panic filled yelling.

The door to the infirmary slammed open, Igniter breathing raggedly, his body drenched in sweat, he was wearing his gym uniform.

"Where is he!?" He yells, steam coming off his head. Cranking up the heat in the small room.

Alistair sent him a death glare and pointed at their youngest quad who was sound asleep.

Igniter let out a sigh and sat in a chair next to Aspen, who had just gotten off the phone.

"Was that ma?" He asks, taking a breather, he had just run all around the large school.

Aspen nodded. "Yes, and she's on her way. If you're looking for that bully, his name is Chase. I put him in his place but I think you should teach him a lesson." He smirks, hands together like a mob boss.

Igniter sent him a smirk back, cracking his knuckles as flames swirled around his finger tips. "I can do that, I'll show him what it's like to play with fire."

The nurse was about to speak again, until the door got kicked off the hinges by a horned woman.

"Who the f**k hurt my precious baby!?" She growls through gritted teeth.

The nurse sighed and sat her desk, not bothering to say anything else.

Creator walked over to the sleeping water element, her hand on his injured cheek, thumb running across the bandages.

"Were taking him home. Now. And they aren't coming back to this sh*thole school." She glares at the nurse who just outs her hands up in surrender.

"Let's get the hell out of here boys." Creator hisses, taking Octavian in her arms as she walked out of the door.

Alistair ran after her, to help her carry his brother.

Aspen and Igniter went the opposite direction, to find the boy that hurt their youngest sibling.

Igniter's flames glowing with rage, the closer and closer they got to the cornered boy.

Aspen's knuckles growing thorns on the way there, vines sprouting out of his back, spores coming off of the poisonous orchid's.


Octavian sat in his mother's lap, nervously fiddling with his fingers as she cleaned out his wounds.

"Mommy... What did this happen?" He asked.

Creator shook her head. "People gonna say, if you need a break, someone's gonna take your place.

People gonna try, to tell you that you're fine, with dollars in their eyes. Just remember:

Don't let them f**k you, honey, no. Don't let them try, don't let them hurt you baby, just say 'recess, I'm tired." She sang to him, rocking him in her lap.

He laid his head on her chest, feeling tired as she sang to him, yet he was listening to every word.

"They always seem to pick on me for being sensitive.. They always call me a crybaby..." He looks to the side, a tear slipping down his cheek.

Creator shushed him, wiping the tear away. "Baby, I look at you and I see myself, and I know you better than everyone else. You're one of a kind and no one understands. Your heart's too big for your body, that's alright love. Mine is too." She kisses his forehead.

"Besides, they've called me Crybaby, and I don't f**king care, I laugh through my tears." She smiles, hugging him even closer.

"We'll just let them drown." She whispers to him.

He suddenly got an idea.


The next day, a boy and his friends sat in the cafeteria, laughing and sharing stories.

One through was sick, and has third degree burns on his back, he just kept silent and ate his food.

A familiar face, entered the cafeteria, a confident look on his face as he walked up to the group that had beaten him that day.

The sick boy, thanks to the spores, felt his heart stop at the skeletons sudden appearance.

One of his friends turns and laughs seeing the blue clad skeleton again. "Hey guys! Look crybaby is back for his daily beating! Watch out though, he might cry on ya!"

Octavian took a deep breath. "I won't let you hurt me ever again.."

"Ooh! Look! He's trying to be tough! How stupid!"

Suddenly, tears began to fall from the skeletons eyes, and he started to levitate, each of the exits slammed shut, and water started to rise.

The taunting bunny boy stopped as his eyes widened. "Oh.. Sh*t.."

Each of them made one last scream before water filled their lungs.

Octavian actually had a smile on his face.


Octavian protecting squad, where you at?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I felt like Octave needed some justice.

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