5 ~ The Surprise

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July 2nd, 2019

Dom walks us to the entrance of the building by a security guard. He walks back to the crowd and signs things and gets pictures. I pull out the sharpies and photos we had chosen. He beams as he runs up to us, I hold out the sharpie and photos for him to sign, I also ask him to sign my phone case. We get some pictures together and one of us all with our middle fingers up. He walks us inside and it's a small bar, we walk downstairs and there's a stage.

"I'm doing a pop up show" he explains, "you can stand right here" as he points to the spot by the stairs to the stage. "There will be a security guard by the stairs so if you need anything he's your guy". We wait excitedly as he jumps on stage and puts his in-ears in and grabs a guitar. Fans come flooding in to the room.

I feel relaxed. I feel calm. I feel safe. This is gonna be a good night.

Dom plays his songs, says goodbye to us all and jumps of the stage and gets led out by security, he stops in his tracks and gestures me and Ella to follow him, we timidly follow. He says "I wanted to make sure you're okay, you probably need to eat, come with us. I don't want you passing out again" I laugh and we follow him to the black car waiting outside. Me and Ella climb in, Dom stands up with his head out of the sun roof. He shouts "Goodbye, I fookin' love you!" To fans as they spill out of the bar.

He throws an arm around me "Where to?" I think for a minute before leaving it up to him. "It'll be a surprise then!" He exclaims. He whispers to the driver a restaurant and we head there. Ella's on an all time high because of everything that just happened mean while I still feel groggy. I lean forward to rest my head on the seat in front. He rubs my back and leans me in towards him. I rest my head on his shoulder as we drive to the restaurant.

"We're here love" he whispers to me. I sit up and we walk into the restaurant. It's TGI Friday's "I hope you like it" he asks both me and Ella. We nod as we sit at a table. Ella pulls out her phone and sends a text to me from across the table.

*beep beep*

I check my phone to see a text saying

"Fuck, I only bought money for the train"

I laugh quietly to myself before replying

"Shit, me too"

Ella starts laughing which alerts Dom, "Whats going on here then, ay?" He looks at my phone before shouting "I brought you here, I'm paying don't be stupid, I'm just making sure you're alright" We laugh as he pulls me into his side.

We order and eat before heading outside. "So your getting the train home then?" He mentions. "Yeah" Ella sighs. "What station do you need?"

"We can just go to the nearest tube station, we have travel cards" I explain.

"Don't be stupid, I don't want you being on the tube, what station to go straight home"

"Fenchurch street" Ella replies.

Ella checks on her phone the time of the next train 00:41 "Fuck" Ella shouts as she checks the time "We won't make the last train, it's at 00:41 and it's 00:35 now, and we're 20 minutes away."

A/N  Hope you're enjoying so far! Please remember to vote for this chapter. Feel free to comment any feedback, mistakes, ideas or requests. Don't forget to add YUNGBLUD ~ A Wild Ride 🖤💕 to your reading lists to be notified when I update with another chapter which should be coming soon.

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