59 ~ The Bitch

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July 10th, 2019

We all finish up eating and talking. We check over the plan a final time. "So we're all gonna go to see my mum, me and Dom need to speak to her. The rest of you need to go and get the last of my furniture from my room, leave my bed though.". I point to Michael, "Do your seats fold down?" he thinks for a moment before nodding.

"Okay so you can put it all in the car and go and drop it off at the house with Adam. Then I need to go to Ella's so we can all just meet there. Then the same again. Then we can go and set it all up. Agreed?"

I ask, looking around the table for confirmation. They all nod along, replying with either "yep" or "mhmm".


"Ready?" Dom asks, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Fuck it." I say as I knock gently on the front door.

I hold tightly onto Dom's hand, I hear the door handle move before the door is pulled open.

"What happened to you?" She says as she steps out and hugs me. "Come in." She leads us all inside.

"Top of the stairs and on the right boys." I say to them as they nod and head up.

"Mum," I speak up after a while, she turns herself on the sofa to be directly facing me. Dom sits behind me for support. "you know I told you I was raped," I take a breath and close my eyes for a second as I get flashbacks from it. "he attacked us both the other day.".

She reaches out and holds my left hand in hers, she lifts it up to look at my broken fingers. "Nose and a few ribs too." I tell her.

Dom lays his right arm over my shoulder so my mum can see his hand. "Nose too, and obviously ma foot." He tells her as he leans back and lifts his leg slightly pointing to the boot on his foot.

"I lost the baby mum." I suddenly burst out as I lean back onto Dom. Her face goes cold.

Dom moves so we're both leaning against the back of the sofa, still close to each other. "What? How? Are you sure?" She asks quickly. I nod as tears continue to fall. "I killed it." I sob.

"No, no you didn't y/n. Don't you say that." Dom tells me, I can hear the strain in his voice.

"So I guess you don't have to worry about your daughter being a slag with a baby at 16." I say as I look away from her. "Still a slag." She says under her breath.

"You've gotta be fucking joking, you're seriously saying this to your daughter right now?" Dom speaks up. "Please just leave it." I say to him, he listens and just sits back against the sofa still visibly pissed off with her.

"I just needed you to know. I'm moving out, for good. We've got a house, that's what they're doing, getting the last of my things." I say pointing as Tom and Adam carrying my bedside table down the stairs.

"A house?" She queries, "Yep." I reply blankly. "Y/n, your 16, what do you mean you have a house?" She asks in disbelief.

"Well Dom has a house, but I'm living with him." I explain. She shakes her head disapprovingly, "Whatever y/n, I don't care anymore, just don't come back to me crying when it doesn't work out and he leaves you and you have no where to go".

"Mum he -" I begin, "You don't have to worry about that, I promise, I'll take good care of her and I'll never leave." Dom tries to reassure her.

"And I still haven't forgiven you for what you did to Ella that night. How could you just chuck her out onto the street in the middle of the night? She had no way home, no money. She had to walk the whole way home mum, it was raining and she only had socks on. How could you do that to her? She trusted you, I trusted you. And what you did to Dom too, I will never forgive you for the way you treated us all. Never."

"Oh please." She mocks, "Please what? Please forgive you? Please pretend it never happened? Please get over it?" I shout back to her.


"Don't ever come near Dom or Ella again, and definitely don't come anywhere near me.".

"FUCK HIM!" She points angrily at Dom who's holding me back. "FUCK HER!" She grabs a small photo frame from the bookshelf, a picture of me and Ella from the first time we met each other inside, it's my favourite photo. "AND FUCK YOU TOO!" She points one hand at me, with the other she smashes the photo to the ground, glass dispersing across the tiled flooring.

"Just go y/n." she says as she leaves through the kitchen door.

"It's okay y/n, come here." Dom tries to pull me into a hug, I stand up and walk away to the stairs. "Y/n, can you at least help me up." Dom laughs a little as he tries to stand up from basically laying on the sofa.

I wipe away some tears and laugh as I see him struggling, I help him up as Michael walks down the stairs carrying a lamp. "That's the last of it, can I have the keys?" Dom pulls the house key out of his pocket and throws it to him. "Me and Adam are gonna go and drop it all of okay?"

We both nod, "Tom's in the car when you're ready." Mikey shouts as he steps outside.

"We should get going." I go to leave. "Tom can wait." Dom says as he sits at the bottom of the stairs. I quickly follow and sit besides him. "Y/n, it'll all get better, I promise you that." He says softly, "Okay? Hey, look at me." He jokes as he moves my hair from my face as I wipe my tears away.

"Dom, I'm fine. Honestly, I am." I say as I go to get up. He reaches his hand out, it landing on my leg. "That's exactly what someone who isn't fine would say. Just remember that we're all here, whenever you need us, you know that right?" I nod.

"Good. I just don't want you to slip y/n, I need you just as much as you need me, probably more actually. Can I get a hug?" He gently asks.

I pull him up so he's standing too, I wrap my arms around him, our foreheads resting against each other's. Dom twirls a small piece of my hair around his finger.

I move my hand from around his shoulders to the side of his face, I gently pull him towards me as I step up on my tip toes and gently kiss him for a few moments.

I rest my feet flat on the ground as I slowly pull away. His soft kiss lingering on my lips as I run my hand down from his neck to his chest. I rest it there before whispering, "Lets go." and walking out of the door.

I step down the step before looking back into the house. Dom's still standing where I left him, a smile plastered on his face. I reach my hand towards him, "Come on." I say grasping at the air, motioning him to come and grab my hand.

"Dom." I try again, "Hmm, what love?" He snaps out of it as I get his attention, he walks towards me and holds my hand.

"Welcome back." I giggle to him as I shut the front door. "Okay but like that was fookin' hot." He admits as we walk down the driveway to the car.

Dom opens the front door for me before sitting behind Tom. "Everything alright?" Tom asks as he starts the car up. I turn to face Dom, us both smirking at each other.

"Everything's perfect." I see Dom blush slightly as he looks out of the window.

I turn myself around to the front of the car, Tom flashes me a look before focusing back on the road. I stare out of the window, my elbow resting against the door.

"Just perfect." I whisper to myself.

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