64 ~ The Lyrics

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July 11, 2019

"I wrote a song for you, about you, oh whatever, you know what I mean."

I look down at the hand written lyrics as I notice the title 'polygraph eyes'. "Wait can you sing it to me, I don't know how you've written it."

"I'll be two minutes, I promise." He leans in to kiss me on the cheek before limping out of our room.

I sat holding the paper in my hands, I didn't read through them because I wanted to wait for Dom to sing it how he wrote it.

"I'm back!" Dom announces as he walks through the door. "I always leave this in my car for emergencies like this." He says as he pulls a white guitar from behind his back.

I start laughing as he sits on the bed and strums a couple of chords. "Ready?" He asks as he puts the lyrics in front of him.

"Mhmm." I nod as I lean against the pillows.

He starts playing the guitar and singing softly, his mouth forming a smile as he does.

*you can listen to Polygraph Eyes (unplugged) by YUNGBLUD here :) *

"She leaves her parents house around midnight
Meets her best mate at the shop
Buy some cheap wine
And go to space
See the Milky Way
Get away from teenage, everyday, cliche pressure
Absent on absinthe, dancing to bad synths.
Saturday night ain't about the dancing anymore,
Just you getting lit in the queue to the dance floor
Too many blokes are getting heavy
When a girl looks unsteady
Blisters on your hurting soles
"Here have my boots, I'll walk you home"
He walks her straight up to the front door
As she stumbles on the floor
We all know what happens next
A bit of fun turns to regret"

My eyes water over as I listen closely to his sweet voice. The lyrics describing that night perfectly.

"Daylight wakes her up the next morning,
A foreign room, where the sheets are blue and not white
Not a single candle in sight.
Just a stranger on his side says 'Cheers love for a good night'
Gotta go forensic, avoid the domestic, get antiseptic and give him the polygraph eyes.
So turn your head to the side and get on with your life.
'Cause see this girl, she had a boyfriend
His name was Zach and he made her happy
But he couldn't understand, in his mind this was all a plan
And when she tried to explain what happened
She was shouting at him for an hour
Crying at the top of her lungs
"Don't leave me here, you're the one I love.""

I finally let the tears escape as he sings that line with so much emotion lacing his voice.

"She can't even run
She can't even walk
She slurs when she speaks
But you hear what you want when she can't even talk."

He finishes up the song before strumming the guitar a couple times and placing it down on the bed.

I throw my arms around him. "I love it Dom." I tell him. "You do?" He asks, his voice breaking.

"Is there anything that you want changed? Or do you like it as it is?" He grabs the lyrics so I can read them again.

"Can I?" I ask as I reach for the pen. "Yeah go ahead, I want it to be exactly how you want."

I take the pen in my hand and tap it on the paper a couple of times. "This bit here," I point to a line near the top. "you need something instead of dancing because you've got dance floor in the next line. It doesn't fit right." I look to him for approval.

"You're right. Do you have any ideas?" He asks me. "Not yet, but we'll come back to it." I say circling the word 'dancing'.

I continue reading through the lyrics before stopping at "blisters on your hurting soles." I quickly scribble down the word 'bleeding', "Alliteration hun, ever heard of it." I joke before carrying on.

"No scented candles holds more emotion." I say writing that above the word 'single'.

"These don't work" I say circling a few lines. I sit twisting the pen in between my fingers. "How about, just a stranger on his side, says 'cheers love for last night'? I feel like 'a good night' sounds too forced.".

Dom nods along approvingly as I make a note of it.

"This one, there's something about it." I hesitate. "I know this isn't what you mean but it sounds like you're telling people who have gone through with this to 'get on with it', I just feel like it could be misinterpreted."

"I know what you mean." He huffs as we both think for a moment.

"Lie to the real life?" Dom questions. "Maybe?" I think. Dom sings the line to me, "Yes that's it. That works!" I say writing it down.

I sit reading the the next few lines over again. "Romancing!" Dom suddenly shouts. "Huh?" I question him. "That line, give it here." Dom practically snatches the lyrics and pen from my hands.

He scribbles something down, "Saturday night ain't about romancing anymore!" He excitedly tells me, passing them back to me.

"Yes Dom!" I say to him. I read through to the lyric, "In his mind this was all a plan.", "Theres something not quite right about this bit." I say turning the lyrics to Dom.

"But he couldn't understand, in his mind this was her plan." Dom sings, shrugging his shoulders. "It's better, but still not perfect." I say huffing. I read that line over a few times, humming the melody quietly.

"'Cause see this girl, she had a boyfriend
His name was Zach and he made her happy
But he couldn't understand
In his mind she was a slag."

I sing to Dom, putting emphasis on 'Zach' and 'slag'. Dom's face lights up as his mouth remains slightly open. I start laughing, "What?", "You're voice is so amazing babe." He tells me as I start blushing, I know he can tell.

"Stop it." I giggle to him. "No, I'm being serious. You should sing more often." He tries to convince me.

I feel my eyes start to well up. "Sing it through again, to see how it sounds." He nods before grabbing the guitar and singing it from the top with the new lyrics.

"You sing the bit about Zach so well, you emphasise it's perfectly. Your accents so like, gritty.". "Gritty?" he asks. "Yeah like gritty and northern and just perfect, way better than my shit Essex accent.

"You don't have the typical Essex accent though. I never thought I'd end up with an Essex girl, but you're not like most of 'em."

"What makes you say that?", "So many are all fake tits, fake lips, fake tan, fake hair, fake nails, all of it, but you're real y/n. You're so beautiful and natural and just amazing."

"My nails aren't real, acrylics babe." I correct him. "See I was gonna take you to get your nails done and then take you on a cute little date to give you the ring but the timing just felt right."

"It was so perfect!", "I'm glad you liked it." Dom says holding my hand, looking at the ring before lightly kissing my hand.

"So do you like the song?" Dom asks me. "It's perfect. Thank you so much." I wipe a tear from my cheek. "I didn't know if I spelt Zach right?" He asks pointing to his name in his handwriting.

I nod, "No that's right, weird fucking spelling ain't it?" I laugh to him. "Explains why he's such a dick I guess." Dom laughs wrapping his arms around me again.

(Sorry if you're names Zach and it's spelt that way. I actually prefer that spelling but it just fit in to the story well)

"Are you gonna release it?" I ask him as we pull away from each other. "Not if you don't want me to." He replies. "No no no, I'd love you to. It's like a massive 'fuck you' to Zach and to the man and anyone who does that to women. It's such an important message Dom and you could make such a massive difference. You have to do it." His face lights up.

"I'm gonna play it on tour first and see everyone's reactions to it first. Tease them a bit and hopefully they love it and then I'll drop it a few weeks later.".

"Thank you so much." I throw my arms around him again. "I love you Dom.", "I love you y/n." he replies.

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