63 ~ The Ring

918 30 18

July 11th, 2019

"So I really wanted to make this more special, but I don't think there's gonna be a more perfect time than now so I'm just gonna go for it." Dom tells me, clearly getting excited.

"Okay?" I reply suspiciously. "I need to get up." Dom gently moves me from leaning on his chest, back to my side of the bed. "No, I was comfy." I moan as I flop down on the bed.

"I'm sorry." he replies sweetly as he kisses my nose. "Close your pretty eyes, I'll be just a second." I do as he says and I feel him leave the bed.

He rustles around in a bag before jumping on the bed, sitting in front of me. "Can I open my eyes?" I ask him. "Just a second." He sets something down next to us before grabbing both my hands in his.

"You can open." he tells me. I flutter open my eyes and am met with Dom's bright green eyes staring back at me. I look around to see what he was hiding. I notice a piece of paper to the side of us, I go to reach for it.

Dom pulls my hands back to in between us both. "Not yet, I wanna talk first, then I'll show you." I nod. "Talk about what?" I ask him, clearly confused.

"You've had such a massive impact on my life y/n. It's like as soon as I met you, something within me shifted. You've given me another purpose. Another reason to exist. A reason to be strong and to keep going when I feel like I can't. It's been a wild fucking ride y/n, but I've loved it. I've loved spending every minute of it with you. I didn't realise how much a single person could change my life until now. I want to spend my forever with you, your ever after is all I'm after y/n. I had plans for this to be more special but I realised that this means so much more. I want to give you this y/n, I want you to be mine. Be my girl?" He says as he pulls out a dainty silver ring with a sparkly hollow circle on it.

A single tear finally falls down my cheek after managing to hold it back the entire time. "A promise ring?" I ask him in a whisper. He nods as he wipes a tear of his own. "So?" He asks looking down to the ring and then back to my watery eyes.

"Yes Dom, yes, a million times yes." I shout letting tears escape my eyes as they continue to fall down my face. Dom puts the ring on my finger, wipes my tears before grabbing my face in his hands, his lips crash into mine as I move my hands to his hair. Dom tries to lean me to the side, in his arms to do a dip kiss. As he does I start laughing, my lips still connected to Dom's. I slowly try to move to go along with his plans.

I try to pull away but he moves his hand to the back of my head and kisses me more. I move my hand from his hair to the side of his face, pushing it away from mine. "Did I do something? I'm sorry, I should've asked." He starts to worry. "No, but I think you forgot that I've got broken ribs and can hardly move Dom" We both giggle as I go back to kissing him.

We finally pull away from each other as I feel heat rise in my cheeks. "Wow." I breathe out as I move my hands away from Dom's body.

"Two part surprise. I need to speak so just bear with me and listen." I agree and he starts speaking. "So I did something a few days ago and you almost caught me a couple times. Remember I wouldn't let you go into the bedside cabinet in the hospital?" I nod slightly.

"Well it's because I was hiding this from you. It's not perfect yet, or it might be I don't know. I need your opinion on it. It doesn't have to go any further than this if you don't want it to, you can change it around if you don't like it. Close your eyes for me and put your hands out."

I feel Dom place the paper that was laying next to us into my hands. "Open!" He tells me.

YUNGBLUD ~ A Wild Ride  🖤💕Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora