57 ~ The Boys

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A/n this ended up being a longgg one, I might try to keep this up but who knows.

July 10th, 2019

"I'll come and meet you and bring you up." Tom speaks into his phone before leaving the ward.

"I'm always a fucking mess when I meet your friends." I complain to Dom as I try to fix my hair slightly.

"Oh shut up, you're gorgeous and you know it." He turns to me and gives me a quick kiss making me feel warm inside.

Tom comes back leading Adam and Michael in. "I'll go get you two some chairs." Tom tells the boys as he goes to leave.

I quickly stop him, "You can sit on the bed, I don't mind." They agree and both sit on the end of the bed, one on each side, Tom in the armchair.

"Fuck Dom, what happened to you." Mikey says noticing his foot and hand. I pull my left hand out, showing him my broken fingers. "Shit." He replies.

"Care to explain?" Adam says to the both of us. "Go on." I say to Dom.

"Okay so, wow, I don't even know where to start." He stumbles over his words for a moment.

"Right, what do you already know?" I ask them both. "Like about me.". Adam quickly answers. "Umm, about Zach, what happened at the club, your mum and that you're pregnant." He speaks slowly trying to remember everything.

"Oh yeah, congratulations by the way." Michael quickly jumps in.

I break eye contact and look down at my hands, I see Dom shaking his head, giving them both a stern look.

"Okay so - fuck this is harder than I thought. So a couple of days ago, I got attacked by the man from the club. He did some damage to say the least. Dom came after me and he went after Dom too.".

Dom takes over, "Broken ankle and wrist, chipped tooth, and I don't know what the fucks happened to my eye but I can hardly see out of this one." He point to his right eye.

"Fuck Dom, he got you good." Adam says as Michael looks shocked. "Three of my fingers are broke, a couple of ribs broke, my nose -", "Oh ma nose too." Dom interrupts me.

"Yeah, so he did a fair bit of damage. Anyway we got discharged yesterday, went back to the hotel with Tom. And then I woke up in the middle of the night and I went to go to the bathroom but just collapsed down on the floor in pain. That's why we're back." I take a deep shakey breath as I feel a tear slip out. "I miscarried." Dom holds onto me as Adam and Michael's jaws drop.

"I'm so sorry y/n." Michael tells me. "Fuck me." Adam says under his breath before coming closer to me to give me a hug. "Oi, be gentle yeah." Dom says to him as he leans towards me and loosely wraps his arms around me.

Michael jumps up and does the same after Adam. "We can get out of here in an hour." Tom says to us all.

"Thank fuck for that." I say laying back down under the cover. "So I wanted it to be a surprise but that's just not gonna work." Dom begins, talking to all us all. "I wanna get the house started, so you don't have to keep living in hotels or going to Ella's. That's why the boys are here, to move some of our shit in.".

My face instantly lights up, "Wait, really?" I ask him. "Well yeah," he begins to laugh, "believe it or not we're actually gonna move in at some point. Even if we just get a bed and sofa in for now. But I promise after tour we'll get it all done and decorated and perfect. It's what you deserve, you've been through so much.".

My eyes start to well up, I playfully hit him. "I told myself I wouldn't cry in front of you two," I say wiping my eyes gently, "not yet anyway." I laugh slightly. "Who am I kidding though, I've only known you what, five days, six maybe, I don't fucking know my heads all over the place." I say looking at Dom, "I've cried more since knowing you than I have in a longgggg time. Even you," I turn to Tom, "I've not even known you for a day and I've cried so much to you.".

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