40 ~ The Big One

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July 8th, 2019

Dom's PoV

My heart's racing, I cannot wait to see y/n's reaction when she see's it. I turn to smile at her. "Close your eyes, I don't want to give it away." I say as she puts her phone away and covers her eyes.

I continue driving.

Your POV

I sit with my hand over my eyes as Dom continues diving. "I'm so excited for this babe!" He shouts as he slaps the steering wheel.

We drive for what felt like an eternity before pulling up at the side of the road. I wait for Dom to come and get me out again.

He helps me out and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "3, 2, 1, OPEN!" he shouts. I open my eyes, a large house in front of us. I stand for a while, confused. I turn to him as if to say, "Who's is this?" He replies by turning me so I can see a "SOLD" sign next to us.

"No fucking way! You're joking?" He doesn't answer. He simply walks to the front door and pulls a silver key out, he opens the door as I run after him.

Tears steaming down my face, the biggest smile plastered across it. I walk inside to see a beautiful, white, open plan house. I turn to my right and see pink balloons all over the place.

Dom walks to the stairs and hands me and envelope. I sheepishly open it. The front reads, "Congratulations on your new home!"

More tears begin to fall. I struggle to read, the tears blurring my vision. Dom takes the card from me and begins reading.

You don't understand how much I fookin' love you. You never fail to amaze me, take a look around at our new home. Just for us. A place to start this family, with our past left behind,"

He walks over to me and wraps his arm around me as I lean my head on his shoulder.

"I love you more than you'll ever know y/n.
P.s. The bedroom's fookin' huge.

Your Darling Dom x <3"

He closes the card and sets it down on the stairs before giving me a big hug. He wipes away my tears, takes my hand and he shows me around the house.

"Dom, I can't believe this. This is mad." I say as we step out into the garden. We talk about where our furniture will go and plan everything out.

"Obviously we can't stay here for a while, but when the shows are done, we can move in officially." he says making me smile as we leave the house. Locking it up.

We get back into the car, "Guess what love," I stare at him blankly. "There's one more surprise for ya" he says starting the car up. "Dom, what else could you possibly have planned." He places his hand on my thigh.

"You'll see! Now you know the drill." He says as I cover my eyes yet again.

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