66 ~ The Promise

925 35 12

brief mentions of eating disorders throughout

July 11th, 2019

*bang bang bang*

"What the fuck?" Dom whispers as me and him exchange concerned looks.

He quickly walks to the door and looks through the peep hole before pulling the door open. "Fucks sake, come in." he says before I hear the door close. I lean back against the pillows and pull the covers up over my bare legs.

A few seconds later Tom, Michael and Adam get lead into the hotel room by Dom who jumps into bed next to me.

"So what do ya want?" Dom says with a yawn. "Mate we kept trying to call and text you, but you weren't answering so we started to get worried." Michael explains to us.

"Yeah we were gonna ask if you wanted breakfast, but I guess it'll be lunch now." Tom carries on.

"What time is it?" I ask, also yawning. "Quarter to 12." Adam replies checking his phone. "Wow." Dom says back to him. "Fucking hell." I reply laughing gently.

"Come on then sleepy heads, be ready in 20? We're all starving, we've been waiting for you." Adam says.

I groan gently against Dom's shoulder. "Nah, we're alright. We had a rough night and barely slept. You go and we'll just order something and get some sleep." Dom tells them all whilst stroking my head.

"Is everything alright?" Tom asks cautiously. "Yeah, I'm alright now. I just had a bad panic attack last night and it just brought back some bad memories that's all." I smile gently.

"I'm glad you're doing better. It must have been scary." Adam tells me, I know he understands how it feels.

I smile weakly at the boys and they continue to chat to Dom for a while. "Man, I haven't seen this in ages." Adam says as he notices Dom's guitar, he picks it up and looks it over. "She's hanging on well, Ben does a good job to keep her looking this good even after smashing her on stage all the time.".

Dom laughs, "Yeah man, works as good as new.", "So why's it here? I thought you left it at your mums." Michael asks as Adam plays a couple of chords.

"It's been in my car since the last tour, I couldn't bear to leave it all the way back in Donny. And we've been up all night making music, that's why I leave it in the car, for emergencies." Dom explains, wrapping an arm around me.

"Music?" Michael comments. "Mhmm." I respond. "Yeah, I wrote a song for y/n whilst we were in the hospital and turns out someone" he gestures towards me, "has a secret talent for songwriting, not to mention her voice.".

I blush hard as Dom continues, "So we ended up staying up and y/n's made quite a few songs. They're incredible!". "Stop it!" I playfully hit his chest.

"Anyway, go get some food and bring us something back yeah?" Dom says to them. "Yeah, we'll text you in a bit, take your phone of silent though and actually answer this time." Tom says before they all head out, shouting goodbye to us both.

Adam quickly peeps around the wall, "You should probably get some rest y/n, after you know..." he trails off as I nod. "I will, thanks for looking out for me.", "You two better show us that music at some point too." he smiles before leaving and shutting the door.

"Right then, you, mrs, need to get some sleep." Dom says before turning off the light and cuddling me. "Set an alarm, we can't sleep all day." he agrees and sets an alarm for a couple hours time.

"I love you so much babe." I tell Dom before closing my eyes. "Forever." Dom whispers to me.


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