52 ~ The Question

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July 9th, 2019

"Can we cuddle?" Dom asks as he pulls his hoodie off before sliding down lower in the bed and turning to face me. I gently lift myself up, turning to face him,  my head against his chest.

"I'm so sorry y/n." Dom speaks up after a few minutes. "Why?" I lift my head away from his chest, resting against the pillow. "This is all my fault y/n, I shouldn't have left you alone, this wouldn't have happened if I was there. We were only there because I took us there. If it wasn't for me, none of this would have happened to you."

I pull away from Dom's body and slowly sit up, gripping on to Dom's arm. He sits up to, we're both sitting face to face I hold his left hand in my right as I begin talking.

"Dom, if it wasn't for you, I'd be dead right now. This is my fault.", "How?" Dom swallows a lump in his throat. "It's my fault he raped me in the first place, I was underage, I was basically asking for it. And he only came after me again because I left without warning the morning after. I should've just gave him what he wanted, it would have protected you. You don't deserve this, look at what he did to you." I start tearing up.

"Don't ever fuckin' say that y/n, rape is no ones fault other than the rapists." he begins as he moves his hand to my shoulder. "And I'm fine, give me a few weeks and you won't even be able to tell. I don't even wanna think about what he'd have done if I hadn't got there when I did."

"Wait, your tour starts up soon. What are you gonna do?" I ask as I hang my head, feeling guilty again. "Fuck 'em, I'll have to cancel it. Like I love 'em and all but you're way more important. Besides, I won't be able to give a decent show with one leg, one hand and a fucked up face."

"Baby, no you can't do that to them. Take it from me, remember I'm a fan. You have no idea how much your shows mean to us. You can't do that Dom."

"You're right. I'll at least have to push it back a few weeks. I need to be with you for a while and then I was thinking that you could come on tour with us? You don't have to of course, but I thought you'd enjoy it?. Plus Jess and Tanisha could do with another girl on tour, they get a bit sick of the lads sometimes." He laughs gently as he locks eyes with me.

"I don't know. I - I just don't want to ruin it for you all. I've never met any of them. I'll feel to guilty, I'll be fine on my own." I break eye contact.

"You've met Tom. And you'll love the rest of them. They're great. They all know about you anyway, they all want to meet you. Please come. It'd mean a lot to me. We can take it slow, you can stay backstage if you want. And if at any point you want to come back here, I'll buy you a ticket straight back okay? We'll get started on the house too so that when we get back we can stay there. Sound good?"

I nod, "You're sure?" I ask timidly, "Of course darlin', let me just text Gav and let him know so he can get everything sorted."

"I have an idea!" Dom shouts grabbing the remote. "Close your eyes real quick." I do as he says and sit and wait. I hear a familiar theme tune, Dom pulls my hand away from my face. I see the tv screen with Dom on it this time he's dressed up as a pirate.

A huge smile appears on my face, "Wait how'd you..." I trail of as I turn to Dom. "El told me." Giving her a nickname, he shrugs his shoulders before laying back down.

I sit leaning against the backboard of the bed. Dom's laying down with his head resting on my thigh. He holds my hand, gently rubbing circles over the back of it. "Your hearts look so good," Dom says. "you said I drew these didn't ya?". "Mhmm." I nod too. "Wait when, it wasn't the other night." He says pausing the video.

"May last year. At Dingwalls. Wait do you remember me? You stopped the show to make sure I was alright. There was a huge mosh pit that I got caught up in and I'm so small that I just got thrown to the floor. So you stopped the show and brought me to the front."

"Oh my god! Yes, yes I do!" His voice gets all excited. "And then when you came outside after, everyone was pushing to get to you and I tripped and fell straight into your arms. Seems to be a common occurrence apparently."

"Yeah sorry about that. They can get kinda crazy sometimes." He laughs softly. "And then I made Tom go in and get you a white shirt didn't I?" I nod. "Wait yes I do remember drawing the hearts for you. I remember you saying you wanted it for a tattoo and I asked how old you were and didn't you use fake ID to get in? You had to be sixteen didn't you?"

"Yep, in all fairness I was only a few months away from being 16, so it wasn't too bad. But I did it for you." I say as we both start laughing.

"Damn, you really are a crazy fan huh?", "Stop it, you already know I feel guilty about it. But yeah I guess so, this is so embarrassing but that night I genuinely thought that was my chance to get you. Like I was already thinking about how I was gonna end it with Zach. Like I was fully convinced you was in love with me or something." I start laughing with Dom.

"Well you've got me now, I hope I'm a bit of an upgrade from Zach." I stroke his hand. "One hundred percent. I couldn't imagine Zach ever stepping in like you did, he wouldn't have even came looking for me. He'd have just played victim, he'd have said that I cheated on him again."

"What a dickhead." Dom says quietly. We sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"Dom?" I speak up eventually. "Yeah?", "Can I ask you something?". He nods, "Of course you can, what is it.".

I take a deep breath. "How would you feel about being little ones dad? Obviously you don't have to, and I don't want to make you uncomfortable or force anything on you. You know I feel guilty about coming into your life and fucking it all -"

I'm interrupted by Dom planting a kiss on my lips. He pulls away, he breathes "I'd love to." before kissing me again.

We sit for a few moments just holding each other. "I'm hungry." Dom whines, "I'm gonna order room service, what'd'ya want?" He passes me a menu.

We order our food and wait for the knock at the door. Dom limps over and let's the waiter into the room. They carry the tray in, "Just on the bed will do thanks." Dom says before handing him the money, "and that's for you." He says passing him a £5 note as a tip.

We sit and eat our food before eventually settling down in the bed. Dom helps me take my hoodie off before we both pass out and fall asleep. Dom has his arm wrapped around my body. My back's against his bare chest. I can feel his heart beating against me.

Quite a long one for ya!
Thank you so much for reading my story, it means so much to me!
Special thanks to that_damn_emo and Ariana_stripe for being amazing friends, they both have Yungblud stories which you should check out too. 😊

YUNGBLUD ~ A Wild Ride  🖤💕Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora