11 ~ The Day Out

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July 3rd, 2019

We spend the rest of the day walking around London, we go to a record shop and Dom bought himself a few vinyls. He offered if we wanted anything but we didn't have a record player or CD player.

We went to a few vintage clothing stores and I found a few things I liked, there was a tight fitted tartan denim skirt which I loved but wouldn't fit much longer so I said no to that one but I did find an oversized black denim jacket with pink paint splatters all over it and some distressing. There was also some safety pins and chains hanging from the top pockets. "Y/N YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS ON!" Dom shouts from the other side of the shop holding the jacket up in the air waving it around proudly. I carry the few items I liked the look of over to him and hang them on the rail next to us, I slip my plain black jacket off and hang it up too.
I turn go to grab the jacket from Dom but instead he grabs my hand and spins me to face the other way, he opens the jacket and I slip my arms in and pull my hair out from under it. It's very oversized but cropped at the waist. It hung off of my shoulders enough that the sleeves fell past my hands. I rolled them up to just below my elbow and found a mirror. "I love it Dom" I beamed. "But, I'm not sure how it'll look when I've got a bump?" I complain. "It'll look even more badass than it does now!" Ella chimes.

"Look I'll get it for you and then if you decide later when you have a bump that you don't like it, I can have it?, or we can just share it because it's fookin' cool!" I smile. "We'll share, just no wearing it on stage, I don't want you sweating in it" I joke.

I try on the other items and decide against them. We buy the jacket and leave the store, we walk around a bit before realising that it's already starting to get late. It's 6pm and is already getting dark. "You two better start heading home I guess, I don't want you to miss the last train again." We all laugh. We continue walking as Dom calls a cab.

Ella walks a little ahead as Me and Dom purposely fall a little behind. He laces his fingers between mine as I stroke the back of his hand with my thumb. We continue walking and don't stop to make eye contact as he begins speaking. "Y/n promise me you'll go home this time, yeah. I'm not trying to get rid of you because I'll miss you too but, it's not goodbye, it's 'I'll see you later' okay?, and promise me that you'll tell your mum as soon as you can, yeah? It'll only get harder the longer you leave it and it'll upset her if you feel like you can't tell her". I nod gently and smile towards him. He squeezes my hand "I didn't hear you say it." "Say what?" I reply. "Well you never promised"

"Dom I promise you, if you can promise me one thing, can we please get something to eat first?" "Of course"

A short while later a black cab pulls up, "Harrison?" The young woman asks. "That's us!" Dom beams. Dom pulls the door open as we all hop in the back. "To Fenchurch Street Right?" "Um would you be alright to stop at a McDonald's somewhere along the way first, we can get you something whilst we're in there?" Dom asks the driver.

"I don't want anything thanks but do you want one closer to here or closer to the station? I don't mind you eating in here as long as you don't make a mess".

Dom looks at me as if to ask me. "How far away are we from the station?" I ask the woman. She checks her phone and replies with "34 minutes", I look at Dom and in sync we reply, "The nearest one please".

A/N Hope you're enjoying so far! Please remember to vote for this chapter. Feel free to comment any feedback, mistakes, ideas or requests. Don't forget to add YUNGBLUD ~ A Wild Ride 🖤💕 to your reading lists to be notified when I update with another chapter which should be coming soon.

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