46 ~ The Damage

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⚠️Mild trigger warning regarding sexual assault + suicidal thoughts⚠️

July 8th, 2019

I gently pull away from Dom, "So, how bad's the damage?" I ask him. I sit on the edge of the bed, facing him. "Pretty fookin' bad, I'm not gonna lie about it." I hang my head and swing my legs.

"Nose is most likely broken, maybe broke my hand, could have broke my ankle," he begins counting on his fingers. "maybe fucked my eye up, concussion, chipped tooth, bad bruising and cuts. You?" He raises his head.

I continue crying, I lift my head as mine and Dom's eyes meet. "I haven't had a full assessment yet." I say quietly. "Y/n, I'll heal, yeah? Don't worry about me, I'll go through this 100 times to protect you. I'll do anything to keep you safe."

I smile at Dom as a nurse approaches the end of the bed. "Am I okay to begin your assessment, y/n?" She gives a warm smile, a clipboard in her hands. I nod before slowly standing up. The nurse walks towards me and lets me lean on her. She walks me to the wheelchair, "Can I come with her?" Dom asks. "Have you been assessed?" She asks him. "He has." I answer for Dom.

"Give me two minutes." The nurse says before walking out of the ward. She quickly comes back wheeling a wheelchair and with another nurse behind her. The two nurses slowly help Dom into the chair before taking us both through to a doctor.

The nurses both leave, shutting the door behind them. The doctor begins the assessment, "So just from what I'm seeing, I think your nose is broken." He says inspecting closer. "Broken nose buddies." Dom says making me giggle. "You've got quite a nasty gash to your head, I definitely want that fixed up. There seems to be some broken blood vessels under this bruising here." He says gently running his finger over the bruise across my cheekbone.

He lifts up my left wrist, the one that was pressed against the wall. "Just wiggle your fingers around for me." He says as I try to gently move them. I manage to make my thumb flinch slightly, then with a bit more effort, my little finger moves. I stare at my hand, trying desperately to move my fingers, I stare at the black heart on my middle finger, I try and try and try, the heart remains still. "The others?" He asks. I shake my head.

"I would definitely say that these three look broken. But I don't want to take you for an x-ray because of the risks it carries with you being pregnant. I'm going to treat them as if they're broken."

I nod gently. He moves on to my right hand, I move all of the fingers with little difficulty.

"I'd definitely say that your concussed, is there anything else?" He asks. "My ribs are really sore, he pushed me against the wall by my chest." My mind flashes back to that moment, the moment I gasped for air, the moment I thought he was going to kill me.

"Can I ask you to take your shirt off and lay down for me please." I shake my head, "Actually, I think it's just my anxiety playing tricks on me and making my chest hurt." I say quickly.

"Can we have a female doctor?" Dom asks the man, noticing that I was visibly uncomfortable and making excuses.

"Let me check." He says before leaving. "I just can't get it out of my fucking head Dom, I don't think I ever will. I can't fucking do it. I wish he just killed me." I shout.

Dom's face drops as I finish shouting. He quickly lifts himself from the wheelchair, putting his weight on the desk and hopping over to me. He slides onto the bed next to me. He takes my right hand in his left.

"You don't mean that baby." He says, gently stroking my hand. "Dom I do, I really, really do. I don't deserve to be here, I don't deserve you. I deserve to die." I stumble over my words, choking through them.

A single tear lands on my thigh, I flinch slightly underneath it. Silence fills the space between us.

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