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My lungs burned and I thought my heart was about to beat out of my chest, pellets of sweat clouding my vision as they fell past my panicked eyes.

I cried and pleaded, yelling as loud as I could for help, but I doubt that anyone is in the woods right now. I looked around, my own panting barely audible compared to the loud snapping jaws and growls of the creature that ran behind me.

"Leave me alone!!" I shouted, throwing small rock in the creatures direction, each time mission. I shook my head as my view of the world before me grew fuzzy, and I felt like I was about to fall over. Maybe the people in slasher movies fall over for a reason? Yeah the script calls for it...

I muttered a soft swear as my legs betrayed me, sending me flailing to the forest floor. I didn't want to open my eyes, but I did, and the creature was no longer a creature; that creature was now Larry. Sharp teeth, glowing yellow eyes, and a vicious predatory grin. Although I hated feeling helpless, I went limp, not wanting to feel his claws being driven through my stomach, the hot crimson liquid spilling all over my leafy grave.

I squeezed my eyes shut as he let out a loud howl, bringing his sharp fangs down onto my throat.

I woke with a scream, grabbing at my face with a fury I didn't know was possible for such a tiny vessel as me. A dream? Not surprising, ever since I found that amulet of his Ive been having the same one.

They always go like this; running, out of breath, wolf behind me, feeling dizzy, fall, Larry, death. A death my mind never stayed asleep long enough to witness.

My thought tangled as I gingerly lifted the walkie-talkie from the nightstand, pressing down on the side button and whispering my friends name. I waited a while, static filling my room as Larry's booming voice answered.

"SallFace? What's up? It's like 3 in the morning dude." Larry groaned, the tiredness in his voice a lot more evident than I wished it to be.

I took a deep, shaky breath before replying, "nightmare... you, the forest, and... the dog again." Larry thought for a moment before the static returned once more.

"Come down. You can sleep here, I won't mind. Lisa won't either, and I'm sure Henry is too piss drunk to give a flying fuck what you do." Larry answered, clearing his throat to try and sound as awake as possible.

"Thanks... I'm sorry." I sighed, getting up and grabbing my prosthetic before heading down to the basement floor, the annoying elevator music nearly sending me back to sleep. Larry opened the door and greeted me with a goofy smile, allowing me entrance into his room. The familiar scent of paint, cheap axe, and cigarettes greeted me as I stepped inside, it was comforting and often made me feel safe.

"Do you want to talk about it? Or did you just want company?" Larry asked, sincereness lacing his voice. I shook my head, he sighed and hugged me. "I'll see you tomorrow, SallyFace. Get some sleep, and if you have another nightmare don't be afraid to wake me up." Larry gave a genuine smile and flopped down onto his beanbag, throwing a blanket over himself.

I huffed, not wanting to intrude and take his bed. Yet, without hesitation, I was able to fall asleep, the warmth of his covers enjoyable just as much as the decent I inhaled from his pillow.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora