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I looked around the room, smiling as I saw Larry.

"Sal? Oh my god, you're awake... holy fuck, Sal..." Larry cried, grabbing my hand and pressing it against his lips.

"Hey, Lar..." I mumbled in a raspy voice. I looked at the little boy and smiled as he grinned.

"Heyo!" He smiled, walking over to my bedside. "Why'd you help me?" He asked, a slight lisp slipping from his lips.

"I don't know. I lost my mom when I was really young, and I just wanted to help you." I frowned as he studied my visible face.

"Thank you, sir." He smiled, causing me to smile brightly in return.


A few months later and everything was going swimmingly. School was in its last week, Travis came out and got himself a boyfriend, Ashely got herself a boyfriend as well, and Larry and I are still going strong.

"Hey, Salio? Would you like to join Todd, me, Ashley, Chug, Travis, and a Tristan for dinner? Of course you should bring Larry, as it's kinda a date. Ashley can't bring Dylan, and well.. Chug's date is the food." Neil chuckled, nudging me gently.

"Hm... you know I don't do parties, but since it's JUST us, yes, I'll go. Formal?" I asked.

"Formal." He replied with a smile.

"Sweet. I'll see you then, Neil." I smiled as we did some strange handshake, one that was passed around the group from person to person. We laughed as we walked away from one another, and I ran to catch up with Larry.

"Sup, Blue." He smiled, ruffling my hair.

"Staaaaaaaph. Anyways how would you like a group date night?" I asked, a big smile plastered on my face.

"Mmmm, as long as I don't have to punch you in the face I'm down." He joked, earning a laugh from both of us.

"Formal, Lar. Dress FORMAL." I chuckled, punching Larry in the arm. He rolled his eyes and laughed, then we parted ways.


"Then... from the darkness.. he hears-" Todd started to finish his silly horror story, but was cut off by Larry.

"I smell like beef." Larry joked, and I put my hands over my 'mouth' and dramatically gasped.

"So spook!" Neil stated.

"Oh shut up, you guys ruined the surprise ending." Todd grumbled, crossing his arms and trying to look mad.

"Awwww, c'mon Toddy-Waddy. We what to hear it!" Neil smiled, pecking Todd's cheek.

"Alright, Alright." Todd continued his horror story, but I was too preoccupied starring at Larry. Damn he was perfect, and damn I was lucky..

Todd finished up his story, and Neil started a slow clap.

"That was actually pretty good, Todd. I applaud you." Neil smiled. We all started clapping but stopped when other tables started to look at us. After a while we finished up our food and decided to mess around outside a bit.

We started talking about what we're doing after we graduate, and we all shared warm smiled. Then Neil got super serious, but I was the only one that noticed. We talked about our current relationships, and Larry embarrassed me because he's Larry. Then, it started to snow. Lights from the street illuminated the beautiful sight, and I enjoyed the beautiful weather.

Suddenly, Neil turned to Todd and got down on one knee, pulling out a small ring box. Todd gasped and so did everyone else. Obviously Todd said yes quicker than humanly possible. It was a sweet moment and I loved every second of it.

Larry and I got home, smiling and cuddling, then slowly falling asleep with one another... that night I dreamt of green fields and clear skies, Larry and I standing side by side.

Together, of course, forever.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I finished IIIIIIT. Dude. Dude. Dude. I. Finished. It.


I'm excited to write the angel and demon AU, but I have to write the Ash X Sal first *siiiiiiigh*

I don't ship it, but a friend does and it'll probably have smut so yeah I guess. I'm gunna try to get out of making it, but yeah. I don't ship it at all and I just wanna make the other AU cause YEET.

And I'm excited for TWDG one and the Borderlands one, but mainly excited for the demon angel AU. (Yes... it's sallary. I may have a problem.)

I really hope y'all enjoyed this book while it lasted, and I hope I see y'all soon. And I hope the next thing I write is Sallary not Sal x Ashley lmao.

Love y'all, and see you next time.. bye :)


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