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I sighed, tossing and turning. We're in a strangers house, who just gave me a tattoo through... energy? I don't know this man, Ashley is sick, I don't know what the hell I even am anymore. Human? I don't know.

I want to turn back the clock; back before my life was just slightly hell, before I took the last step into true hell. Before Larry changed- before everyone, even me, changed.

I want Larry to go back to being the cool stoner dude, not the sad boy shrouded in mystery and the stench of death. Pain.

I want Todd to go back to the funny nerd, not the fidgety, paranoid guy who doesn't speak unless called upon, never cracking a joke.

I want Ashley to go back to the enthusiastic artist, the one who could enchant you with her voice- not the girl drenched in sickness and empty hopes.

And me? I wish... I could be the boy I was before. The boy that minded his business, who enjoyed ghost hunting. But nothing can be the same...

Nothing can last.

Nothing good ever stays around.

Tears formed in my real eye, my glass on still remaining dry. I let out small whimpers, burying my head in my pillow as the tears flowed.

My lips quivered as I unclipped my mask and gripped the fake face in my trembling hands. Why? Why me? What did I do to deserve this? What's going on? What's happening to me?!

"Sal?" A voice spike, making me jump. I snapped my head around to look at the source: Larry.

"I... ahem... yes?" I asked, cursing my cracking voice.

"Are you ok? Nightmare?" Larry asked, shifting in bed to a sitting position. I sniffles and shook my head. He sighed, swinging his legs off the bed and walked over to mine, sitting at the edge of it. "You... what to talk about what's wrong?"

"I just... everything has gone to hell. This... whatever this is? It makes me inhuman... I don't know how, but it does. And I hate it." I cried, breaking down again. My shoulders shook as I hid my face in my hands.

Larry had already seen my real face... but that doesn't mean he should again. Or should he? I don't want him to hate me...

"Hey... it's ok. Even if you're... uh... not human, you're still you. You're still Sal Fisher, still... uh... the boy I uh... care about. Ya know... as a friend." Ouch. That...hurt. I don't know why... but it did. Hearing him say 'as a friend' just... hurt.

"Larry, me? Me? Sal Fisher? Sal Fisher is dead. Sal Fisher died on that street corner in that alleyway. I don't know who I am." I replied, biting my lip and pulling at my hair. He placed a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Hey... it's ok. It's alright... just... breath. C'mere..." he sighed, pulling me into his chest.

I clenched my teeth and started shaking, crying all over again. He played with my hair, smiling down at me as he looked at my face. All that lit the room was dim moonlight, shining through the sliver of window the curtains didn't quit cover.


My face heated up as he softly spoke my name.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You're beautiful."  Larry smiled. Then, we fell asleep like that. Cuddled up together. Just... the two of us.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now