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I felt like I couldn't catch a break. The tables have turned against me and I'm not strong enough to turn them back. The blood transfusion, Justin, the war, getting kidnapped, and that creepy dude Lisa had over. I shook the thoughts out of my head, happy to have Larry just downstairs if I needed him.

There was a small knock on my door before my dad slowly entered.

"Hey, son.." he said in a genuinely loving, fatherly tone. Gizmo meowed happily and jumped off my lap, rubbing around his legs. He grinned and bent down to pet the silly fat cat.

"Hey." I smiled, happy he was actually trying.

"Have fun at the party tonight, ok? I'm so proud of you." He grinned. I pulled him into a long hug, and I almost cried when I took in his scent; it was devoid of any lingering smell of alcohol.

"Thanks dad... I uh... I love you." I spoke softly, swallowing the forming lump in my throat.

"I love you too.." he smiled.


My dad was cooped up at work so I decided to get ready.


I decided on an oversized black sweater with rips down the sleeves, a black skirt that I tucked the shirt into, black fishnets, and combat boots.i smirked, pulling my hair into pigtails and walking out.

There was a knock at the door and in stepped Larry. He started talking, then stopped dead in his tracks, looking me up and down with his mouth agape.

"Earth to Larry? Are you ok?" I asked, snapping my fingers in front of his face.

"Yeah, I just... wow." He smiled, a light blush tinting his cheeks. I giggled.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I smiled, taking in his appearance. He wore a black dress shirt, but no tie, and tucked the shirt into a pair of ripped jeans. He also had his hair in a messy man bun, so that's pretty hot.


We got to Neil's house, which was pretty damn big. I stepped inside, the smell of alcohol punching me in the face along with the potent scent of weed. Usually weed isn't that bad of a smell, but imagine the normal soft scent of weed times 420.

(I know weed is actually a super strong smell, but Larry doesn't like smoking around Sal much because he doesn't like weed. Also if it's just on someone's cloths it's low key strong but like, my dude... don't @ me)

I scrunched up my face, shaking my head.

"Babe?" I asked, turning to Larry. He blushed and looked down at me.

"Hm?" He asked, slinking one arm around my waist.

"Don't get too drunk." I smiled, although I knew that was pretty much impossible with him... which is sad, I really need to have a talk with him about that.

I know, I know. Call me protective or no fun, but when you've had a dad like mine who's broken your arm while drunk you start to hate the liquid. At least he only does it at parties. He just smiled and nodded, then we were pulled into the sea of teenagers, getting separated in the process.

The party was pretty chill, and I was chatting with Ashley until there was a commotion and some chanting from a small crowd.

"I'm gunna go check it out. I'll be right back." I told Ashley, and she just nodded as I made my way through the crowd. My eyes widened at the situation: multiple people throwing themselves at a bloodied Larry. Course he started a fight..

Look, I didn't know a lot of people here even though it was only supposed to be the wolf pack and our usual group. Sadly Neil didn't know that and invited a bunch of people, from school, who incited their friends, so on so forth.

Larry was very clearly drunk, and while he could hold his own in a fight, drunk Larry couldn't take on three people at once. I ran in without thinking, pulling one of them off of Larry. They moved back into the crowd.

Now Larry was beating some poor kid to a pulp, throwing punch after punch into his face. I knew at this rate Larry would either break every bone in his face or kill him, so I did the first thing I thought of; I grabbed Larry's arm just as he raised it above his head and balled it into a fist. He struggled for a moment as I held him back.

"Let... go!" He screamed, his voice slurred. My vision exploded with stars, then I realized he had turned sharply and swung, hurting me straight in the jaw. I dropped to the floor, my chin throbbing. There was shouting and conceded voices before I heard Larry say through small hiccups, "he's a fucking freak!"

Tears welled in my good eye and I managed to stand, my black dots clouding my vision.

"Stay down, that was a hard swung I'm sorry!" I heard Larry call as I walked away, but the damage had been done. Sure he didn't say my name directly, but who else there is a freak? No one else wears a mask, no one else craves blood, no one else...

No one cares.

You could disappear.

And no one would notice.

Voices flooded my mind, talking over each other. I broke down crying, walking down the nearest alley and covering my ears as rain started pouring from the sky.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now