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slumped back in my seat, crossing my arms.

"Mr. Fisher, if you find my class so boring you can pack up and leave. You're distracting, as always." The teacher, Mr. Gallows, mumbled in an annoyed town. I bit my lip.

Don't do it.

Don't do it.


Slowly I held up my hand, balled in a fist, then slowly rose my middle finger, my other hand going in circles like it was a jack-in the-box.


"If that's how you feel about this class, feel free to step outside and we can have a few words."

"You wanna have words, old man? Can we can share a few words, maybe even throw a few fists." I spar back. I don't know where I got this attitude or confidence, and it's obvious by the silent 'oooooo' s of the class, the others don't either.

He gasped dramatically, his double chin tripling in size as he threw his chin into his neck.

"Outside. Now." He growled. "You. You're in charge of the class." He pointed a sausage finger at a small nerdy girl in the front. I stood up, grabbing my bag and walking outside with him following.

Once we were in the completely empty haul, he gently closed the door before going absolutely insane.

"You disappointment, you fucking embarrassment." He snapped, jamming his finger into my chest. Hard. Hard enough that it almost knocked the breath out of me. "How dare you speak to an adult like that, boy. I will fucking-" I cut him off. I don't know why, but I did.

"You'll fucking what?  You can't lay one fucking fat finger on me or you'll lose you job. I'll make sure of that, you pig." Is snarled, taking a step closer to him. Bad idea.

He grabbed my throat, his fingers tightening as even as I felt all the air being blocked from my inhalation. I flawed at his hand, and as tears fell down my face and I kept out small choked, he let me go, throwing me to the ground.

"You make me lose my job, I'll make sure you lose your life." He snapped back. He turned to walk away but I felt my blood boiling. Rage, fear, confusion, everything raced through my mind. I stood up, grabbed him by the back of his collared shirt, and threw him. I didn't mean to do it so hard, so far...

I don't know how I managed it, but he ended up almost all the way across the hall, sliding to a halt. My eyes widened, and I looked at my trembling hands. This feeling, it's amazing... I feel... powerful.

In record time I made it over to the teacher, I didn't want to hurt him further just give him a little warning.

"And touch me like that again, I will end your life." Then I walked away, not wanting to push it any further than I already had. But when I turned the corner, I saw a trembling figure.

"Did you just... is he?" Larry. He looked terrified, but... proud?

"No, I promise he's! I didn't... I didn't want to hurt him I just, something took over and I..." I struggled to find the right words. My gaze fell to the floor, but when I felt arms wrap around me, I knew it was going to be ok.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now