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I grumbled as I got out of bed, throwing off my covers. At least it's the last day before winter break? I can still complain.

"PST. SallyFace... come to the treehouse. Todd wants to see you." A voice crackled from the static of my once silent walkie-talkie. I jumped at the disturbance of peaceful quiet, turning to face the radio. "Just... come in pjs or whatever. I don't care, just hurry." The voice sounded urgent and the lanky person I knew it to be from was never like that.

I sighed heavily, slipping on some boots over my oversized hoodie and fuzzy pants and walked outside from the lobby, the cold making me debate on rather I should go out or not. My messy hair bounced behind me as I walked, the wind picking up and lightly swirling the powdery snow around my feet.

I walked around the complex and to the base of the rickety treehouse. Larry peaked his head over from the top of it, his long hair flowing down.

"Hurry!" He hissed, offering a hand down to me. I gripped it, and he pulled me up. I let out a yelp, muffled by my prosthetic. Ashley was laying on the ground, a blanket for her back and a blanket sprawled over her.

Larry paced the room, nails grinding against his skin as he crossed his thin arms. God pushed up his glasses, the lenses glinting in the candle light. Yes, candle light. Seriously do these people not know flashlights exist?

Candles were strewn about the room, mainly surrounding Ashley.

"Is uh... is she ok?" I asked, breaking the stiff silence. Todd shot me a look as did Larry.

"Does she look ok? No. But that's what we're trying to figure out." Todd huffed.

"What happened?" I questioned, pressing for further information.

"Travis happened. After you two heathens were spotted playing hooky during school, Travis needed someone else to target. It was Ashley, this time. He... fuck he just..." Todd got choked up.

"He tried to kill her is what he did! Don't beat around the bush! He grabbed her by the throat just like you said! He knows she enjoys singing, he knows what power her voice holds over others, he wanted to take that away!" Larry shouted, flinging his arms up before bitting his nails.

"This is all my fault... just because I thought skipping school would be oh so fun, he went after her. Jesus..." I mumbled, my gaze dropping to the wooden floor. "Why do you need me here? I really don't want to be lectured..." I sighed, rocking from my heel to the balls of my feet.

"No. Not that. We need you to sample something. Don't ask what it is but if it taste gross tell us. We need to know." I nodded, it's the least I could do. Todd handed me a cup with a red tinted... no.. crimson red liquid inside.

I sighed, then unclipped the bottom strap of my mask, pushing it up and choking down the disgusting liquid. I gagged, holding my mouth before running to the hole of the treehouse and retching down it.

"That... was disgusting." I growled, bear,I growled ralfing again.

"So she is sick... and extremely. Take her to Justin please, Larry. It's about time sal met his maker, anyways." Todd scowled.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now