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(A/N I saw this guy in concert and he was great.)

I cough, the smoke raising from the fire in the front of the car making its way through the broken windshield. I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks, my throat burning with every short breath.

My vision was incredibly blurry, and I was going in and out of consciousness. Mumbled voices sounded around me, and I wanted to look at them, but everything just hurt so bad...

That's when I noticed the car was completely on its side, the seat where Larry was sitting now empty, leaving a clear shot to the shattered window on the other side of me. I tried to sit up, but the moment was all in vain as I was sent back onto my back.

"Get him out..."

"He's not ready to see..."

"He'll die in there..."

All words spoken, at least from what I could make out. Suddenly, the car shifted and shook slightly. The sun was small big of warm sunlight disappeared as a figure loomed above. It reached for me, and I took its hand.

I allowed it to pull me out of the car, and was firmly placed against a nearby tree.

I groaned, holding my hand to my head and looming around to see Larry slumped again a tree, ha d holding his bloody leg. There was blood on his arms and face too, but not nearly as much as his leg.

Ashley was sitting upright against a small log, biting her lip as she removed a shard of glass from her side. It wasn't deep, but shit that would still hurt.

Where was Todd?

I looked around and spotted the figure that had pulled me out of the wreck... what? Was it him?

There was one strange thing about this figure: it gave off a strange, otherworldly presence, but it also seemed to have.... wings??? Jesus how much smoke did I inhale??

As the figure got closer to me, the wings retreated to behind it, and I noticed that it was in-fact my red headed friend.

"How're you feeling?" He asked, kneeling down beside me.

"Like shit... I inhaled a crap tone of smoke and my leg is burnt... my arms hurt like hell." I whined, sitting up.

"Yeah. You were stuck. Your seatbelt didn't want to come off... I managed to climb through the windshield, then helped ash through it. Larry was easier to get to, as he could almost climb out on his own. You weren't so lucky." Todd smiled, his glasses slightly crooked on his face.

"I thought... you looked like you had wings..." I mumbled, the words even as I spoke them sounded crazy.

"Look... we'll talk about everything that we haven't told you later. Right now, we need to get back to town." He stated, standing up straight. Larry shuffled to a stand, nearly falling. I stood as Ashley did, clenching my teeth.

Other than a few scraps and bruises, Todd seemed fine which I was grateful for,yet suspicious of. We walked. We walked for two miles and refused to stop, we all needed help.

During the walk, I noticed my tattoos darker slightly and I immediately started to feel a bit better, some wounds scabbing over. Larry's wounds seemed to as well, and that's when I was sure something was up. 

Eventually we made it to town, rejoicing. Jesus, this was going to be hard to explain to Lisa, and Todd and Ashley's parents.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now