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I looked up at Larry, who sat next to me on my bed.

"So... you promise to tell me everything, then? Like... a serious promise? Cause I don't just ball my eyes out for four hours on anyone's shoulder, only to have them lie to me." Our eyes met, and a look of sincereness crossed his face.

"I promise, but it has to be next month," He fidgeted with my hair, his eyes trying to avoid contact with my gaze. "It can't be too soon, because then you won't believe me. You said you had to see to believe, well, next month you can." I had no idea what he was talking about, but it sounded terrifying.

He cast his glance back down to me, studying my mask and running his fingers against the purple and pink mixed colors border. "Has it really been four hours? Jesus..." he looked at my small digital clock. "It's been five, actually. I'm sorry, SallyFace. I didn't want you to get caught up in this, yet I feel like it's mostly Travis who's at fault." I nodded, agreeing that Travis was the reason almost all of this happened.

Suddenly, because I'm just oh so lucky tonight, I heard dogs barking in the distance. It was too much, and I immediately curled into a tight ball, nearly screaming and putting my hands over my ears. "No no no no no no no no no no..." I repeated over and over. I felt tight arms wrap around me, pulling me into their lap and hugging me close.

"Shhh... it's ok. It's just a stray. It can't hurt you from here." Larry cooed. Fuck that.

I snapped my head up.

"Just a stray?!?! That's bullshit! The thing that ripped my face off was 'just a stray'! Just some godforsaken animal!" I screamed, glaring at him. He seemed surprised.

Eventually the barking stopped. Larry cradled me still, before at 4 AM he said he needed to get home- it's a school night. I reluctantly wiggled away from his embrace and we said our goodbyes.

I unclipped my mask, setting it next to my goggles and dust mask on my nightstand. Slowly, I laid on my back, sighing heavily as I trie dot get comfortable. Rolling over to my side, I felt lonely.

The sheets were cold, but Larry's arms were warm, inviting. I curled up, trying to gain warmth from my own body heat, yet to no avail. The bed felt so empty all of the sudden, like it was just missing some vital piece of it.

No matter what, I always thought about Larry. But that's normal, right? We're best friends but... I don't think about Ash and Todd as much as I do Larry.

Do I... like him?

No. I'm not gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just..., I'm not.


Thoughts raced through my head all night, leaving me with a restless and uncomfortable sleep.

My unconscious mind had decided not to take pity on me for the 2 hours of sleep I got, displaying imagery of horrible creature who watched from the shadows, then pounced.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now