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I sighed, flopping onto Larry's bed as the springs squeaked under me.

"Tis' good to be back, old chap." I smiled playfully. Larry chuckled, grabbing something out of his drawer.

"Think fast!" He yelled, throwing a spray paint can in my direction. I quickly caught it, holding it and smirking.

"So this is what you mean, eh? Where, when, how, and can we wear badass clothes?" I asked, questions gathering in my mind and cramming together.

"Where- old buildings, and school of course. When- tomorrow night, 11:30. How- with spray paint you dickweed. And yes. We can wear badass clothes." Larry smiled, his goofy gap tooth grin sparkling as always.

"Hell yeah. I am SO ready." I smirked, stretching. "I think I need to go back to my apartment- ya know, make sure dad didn't piss himself or kill Gizmo." I stood up, cracking my back.

"Alright. I'll see you later, SallyFace." He smiled, wrapping his lanky arms around me. I hugged him back, trying and failing to pick him up and body slam him onto his beanbag.

Instead, we kinda just stood there with me trying to pull him over. He laughed and in one quick motion pushed me into the chairs. I laughed as well, trying to act angry. I just couldn't though.


"Dad... are you awake?" I asked, peeking my head into the darkened living room, golden light from the hallway sleeping into the darkness and splitting it. "You ok?" I called out again. Slowly, I stepped inside the room, flipping the switch next to the door and letting the light drench the room.

Asleep. On the couch. Great, and we don't even have any food. I sighed, shuffling towards the most likely empty fridge. As I started to open it, I accidentally cut myself on an uneven edge of the handle that stuck straight up.

"Fuck, ow!" I hissed in pain, instinctively lifting up my mask and planting my bleeding finger on my tongue. It was a... strange... sensation. The taste of fresh, warm blood flooded my senses, and I wanted more.

The craving honestly scares me; why did I have it? All of the sudden, I just enjoy blood as a small evening snack? Whatever. It's probably nothing.

But it wasn't nothing. I couldn't stop thinking about it, it was all I wanted, all my body craved. I knew that blood would be the only thing that could fill the empty pit that hung low in my stomach ever since my hospital visit.

But, I can't. I won't. I shouldn't... couldn't... could I? I peeped over at my sleeping dad.

He's drunk sleeping, he wouldn't feel anything. But it was wrong. His blood was... probably not the best anyways.

I groaned, flopping onto my bed. Larry will know what to do.

I grab my walkie, viciously holding down the button and growling into the small box, "Larry... I need you... now. Get in here. Don't care how. But get your ass in here."

"Dude, calm down. You ok?"

"I'll explain once you get here." I sighed.

Five minutes later Larry was clambering through my window.

"Soooo... why's you need me?" He asked, getting his face close to my prosthetic, but in a playful manner. Not in the mood, dude.

"I... something weird happened. I don't really know why, or why I called you specifically. But I... I cut myself on the fridge door and it bled and-"

"Now you want it. It's all you can think about. I look like a huge life of meat right norm I know." Larry finished. I bit my lip and nodded. Larry began pulling something out of his book bag that he brought with him Incase he fell asleep here. After some searching, he pulled out something wrapped in a brown bag with the words "EMERGENCIES ONLY" scribbles onto it.

"Cool- what is it." I asked.

"It'll satisfy the craving. No questions on how I got it or what it is. Just eat it." I nodded, carefully taking the package from his hands. "Eat up." He smiled. I gulped down a nervous lump in my throat, then turned around so Larry was facing my back. I unclipped my mask and slid it up, carefully unwrapping the contents of the bag.

Gross... ew... oh god.

It looked like some sort of meat, but it was extremely pale with blood spurted all over the inside of the package.

"What the fuck, Larry?! I'm not eating that!" I shout.

"Go hungry then. But that clawing hunger, that ravenous feeling? It'll only get worse the longer you go without proper sustenance." He shrugged. I could feel the sarcasm dripping from his words, sighing as I looked at the meat.

The hunger was so bad... I could hardly stand it, I wanted to just curl up right then and there.

Fuck it.

I pinched my nose, then bit down.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now