28-DONT GO-28

310 10 1

TW: VERRRRRRY sensitive topic.

Students flooded into the gym, stumbling up the large bleachers and taking their seats. I spotted Larry amongst the crowd and gave him a small wave, smiling as he waved back.

The lights dimmed and staff moved onto the scene, quickly setting up a microphone and projector. Our chubby principle, Mr. Heller, walked out onto the gym floor, smiling as the whispers died down and a small spotlight fell onto him.

"Good evening, students of Nockfell high. I'm aware of the confusion you all must be feeling, seeing as how we demanded you come back from winter break and show up here. It's never happened before, I know. We assure you that your winter break will be extended once you're released, and you can continue your fun."

Two men stepped out of the shadows and stood next to the principle. They were wearing some sort of uniforms, both embroidered with the words "M/H" and a symbol I can only pinpoint as teeth. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see an extremely panicked Travis.

He leaned down, "we need to get out of here, right now. They know what we are, what Larry is, Maple, Ashley.. they know what all of us are and they want us gone. We have to go now. Give me your arm, I can shield your mark from a human eye for a short time." He said in a whispered, panicked voice.

I don't know why, but I believed him. Travis would never show anything other than arrogance unless it was serious. So, I discreetly gave him my arm. There was a very full flash of light, then my mark was gone. I pulled out my phone, turning down the brightness.

"We want only the best for our students. And we've been hearing some naughty naughty rumors. Rumors of creatures in the night who come to feed... rumors of creatures who aren't exactly human." The principle continued. The two men held their hands behind their backs.

Students shuffled uncomfortably in their seats. Faint whispers engulfed the crowd, and my head started to spin with ideas of what was about to happen.

"We know those things don't exist! But we want to be sure." He looked at the men at his sides and nodded.

One click.

One bang.

And one slumped over boy with blood pouring from his stomach.

"Aw. We didn't want the myths to be true. You see, the bullet they fired only targeted people with... a special mark to them." Students screamed, panicked, they all started freaking out.

That was the last straw, I took out my phone and sent a text to our group chat with everyone in it. The message simply read 'run'. Larry didn't bother using the stairs of the bleachers- instead, he jumped off the gated side, Todd following him. I spotted Ashley with Maple, they also made it out. Chug was at home today, he came down with something.

I felt a hand grab my wrist and I was suddenly dragged down the stairs by Travis. I felt a sharp, searing pain in my leg. I fell to the floor with a shout, and blood poured from my leg. I felt a burning feeling inside my leg and tears danced down my cheeks. I looked over and saw a man running towards me, knife in hand.

That's when Travis stepped in.

He held out both of his hands, and a red, glowing mist danced from his arms, down to the tip of his fingers. It shot from his hands, connecting with the guys chest and sending him flying across the gym. It all happened so fast, but I soaked up every detail.

Travis turned back to me, fear in his eyes, then picked me up and ran out of the gym.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now