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We all got into position, Neil, Todd, and Travis taking off and flying above the camp.

"I love you, Blue. I really really love you. More than anything in my life, so for me, stay safe." Larry smiled, tears threatening to fall from his deep honey brown eyes.

"I love you so much, too. Don't die out there, Larry. Don't die for me." I smiled, lifting up my prosthetic and placing a kiss on his cheek. We all got into position. The pack, Lisa, and Larry all decided to attack in their wolf forms. I mustered some energy and created four, glowing red holograms of myself. They cant do much damage, but they can faze and confuse the MH.

I stood amongst the Wolfpack, waiting for the signal that brute force had attacked, which would be shouts and gun shots. And that's what we heard, shouts, footsteps, gunshots. We saw the air attack team swoop down and that was our invitation to join the fight.

We all ran as fast as we could towards the fight, and I came face first with an MH agent. He looked surprised, before raising a gun up and beginning to fire. I dodged the first few bullets, and was almost hit by the others.

Remembering what Travis and told me, I decided to go for the energy tactic. I used levitation to lock onto his gun so he would have trouble using it, then drained his energy from a distance. His face contorted to one of pain and terror, and he let out a lifting scream as he shriveled in on himself, before disappearing as dust into the wind. 

I sighed, running even further towards the camp. I was stopped when I felt a sharp pain in my head and suddenly got dizzy. I felt backwards with a groan, looking up to see a man standing over me with a gun pointed at my face.

"End of the line, you piece of-" He was about to pull the trigger when one of the wolf back jumped on him, knocking him to the ground and tearing into his throat. I didn't watch, it reminded me too much of my mom.

I got up and rubbed my head then slowly took the energy from the dead body. I released more holograms and rushed into the camp itself.

So many tents, flags, guns, knives. And to top it off, a large campfire in the center of all the tents. I caught a glimpse of Mike as he clocked the lights of some dude, then turned and smiled at me. I nodded, then rushed into a tent. There was a prisoner in there- but it was too late. They killed them between wolf and human transformation. It made me sad, thinking about it.

I heard footsteps behind me, and turned to see three MH agents.

"Fuck..." I muttered. I put my hands behind my back, slowly creating 7 holograms. They attacked the men, but didn't really do anything. I pushed last one of the agents, rushing out of the tent and around to the back of it.

I spotted a fallen tree, then made a connection. I reached my hands out in front of me, struggling to lift the fallen limb. I clenched my teeth, letting out a loud yell as I threw the tree at the tent, crushing it and everyone inside.

I fell to my knees after, panting heavily before forcing myself to get up and continue the fight. No time to rest now.

I started a duel with one certain MH agent, who had a very small handgun. I targeted the gun, just like I did with the first guy I fought. I smirked and just before I drained his energy, he pulled out another gun from behind his back.

"I'll see you in hell." He grinned. My eyes widened in horror as he squeezed the trigger.

I let it happen, and I closed my eyes waiting for impact.

But it never came.

I peaked open my eyes to see the MH agent on the ground, and Mike.

"Mike! Thank god, you saved me! How can I repay you how can I-" then he turned around.

He was holding his stomach, his eyes dull and unfocused. He opened his mouth to speak but all that dribbled out was blood. I screamed, and he reached out to me.

Just before he fell to his knees, another gunshot rang out and a round, bleeding red spot suddenly appeared on his forehead. The bullet tore through his brain, and he fell. It was the grounded MH agent, and he used his last action and his dying breath, to rip another hole right through  Mike.

I rushed to mike, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"MAPLE!" I shouted and she came running. But the damage had been done, and mike was truly gone. MH agents suddenly surrounded us, all pointing weapons in our direction.

I had enough. Maple put a force field around herself and me? Well I did it again, I released a large explosion of red energy, larger than before. Trees bent, tents flew, and MH agents were tossed.

The group around us was no more, all flying in different directions. A few seconds passed, eerie silence swallowed the camp and surrounding forest. Slowly, everyone rose back up, and I knew at that point, we won.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now