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I kept my forehead down on the desk, wishing for class to end. Papers pilled up on my desk from the numerous ones thrown at me by Travis. I silently grumbled and sat up, turning around to look at the boy throwing them. I glared at him.

"Pssst..." he sounded, pointing towards the door. I rolled my eyes, getting up and leaving without saying anything, the teacher didn't want me there anyways.

I stood in the hallway for about a minute before Travis walked out, his nose in the air as always.

"Well, Well, Well. You seem rather upbeat after getting attacked by a pack of feral dogs." He grinned, arrogance evident in his voice.

"Wolves. They were literal wolves. You're a sick fuck, you know that? You feed off of fear and negativity. You're an awful person, Travis Phelps. And I hate you..." I snarled. He was taken aback, then dramatically clutched the cross necklace he had on.

"I'm oh so hurt you'd say that." He replied, sighing. I rolled my eyes.

"Just... screw off. I'm done playing these games. Either snap and murder me, or someone else, or just fuck off." I stated, walking away. He didn't try to stop me, but I did hear faint footsteps approach, before rethinking and turning around.

I straight just walked out of the school, honestly done with today and everyday. Oh well. What can ya do? Die? Not on command, at least I do t what to. That'd be unfair.

"Glad I'm not the only one playing hooky." A talk figure approached me, grabbing me from behind playfully. I yelped and struggled away from them, turning and realizing it was Larry.

"Oh god, I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" I asked, stepping closer. He laughed and shook his head. We began our walk home, the silence comforting.


"Sanity's Fall, right?" I give Larry a thumbs up as he fiddled with his old radio. I continue my crappy drawing, sighing as I realized there was no saving it.

A smile crept onto my face as Larry glanced at me jokingly, head banging as hard as he could. I got up, joining him.

Then, everything went to hell.

Larry laughed as I head banged as hard as I could, pigtails flipping in my face as I jumped around. Then...


My mask flew off my face, hitting Larry square in the nose. Blood seeped from his nose, and he held it as he winced in pain.

"Fuck, oh my god, I'm so fucking sorry! Are you ok?! Is it bad? Let me get you some tissues, I'm so-" I panicked, fearing that I had hurt him. He cut me off with a smile dm though.

"Sal... I'm ok. I promise." He joked, doing jazz hands.


I broke down.

I couldn't help the tears that poured from my eye, shaking my hair in my face and bringing my hands up to it as my shoulders slowly shook.

"Hey, dude, I said I was ok! See? I'm fine!" Larry stated, placing both his hands on my shoulders then pulling me into a hug. "I'm ok, SallyFace." He repeated.

"I know I just... I'm sorry." I choked out, leaning into him.

"No need to be sorry... why are you crying? You know I'm ok, there's no need to be sad." He grinned, cupping my cheek in his hand and gently turning my head to look at him. Our eyes met, and I could almost feel his piercing gaze as he studied my scared face.

But he didn't look scared, or distrusted.

"I don't know why I cried, I was just worried... I'm sorry." I lied.

I knew why I cried, but it was cheesy and dumb.

Truth is, I cried.


He didn't look away.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now