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I sighed, studying Larry's twisted expression. I attempted to get up, but was stopped by Todd.

"You need rest. I think someone drugged you yesterday." Larry mumbled, scratching his neck. Larry averted his gaze to the floor, nervously fidgeting with his hands.

"Apparently, according to Larry, you suddenly started backing up away from him after he told you he had to leave soon. Then he said he heard you crying, just before quickly running out and passing out in the hallway. We believe someone drugged you, causing vivid hallucinations." Todd stated, more monotone than usual.

"I... oh. I thought I saw Larry-" I started, but Larry shook his head.

"You didn't see anything. It was all in your head." Larry replied, firmly gripping the arms of the chair he was in. Todd sighed.

"Anyways, we're really glad you're ok. We started getting worried when you didn't wake up until now." Ashley smiled sweetly, placing her hand on top of mine. I blushed something fierce, luckily my mask was on. When Larry saw this, he seemed to shift in his chair a bit, looking off to the side away from Ashley and me. Weird.

"Well, it's another snow day, and tomorrow is Saturday. What do you guys wanna do?" Larry asked, changing the now awkward subject.

"Hang on, hang on. How would I have been drugged? I was at your apartment all day!" I replied, now getting increasingly confused.

"Did you take anything from the fridge? The sodas in the bottom rack, maybe?" Larry asked, snapping his head around to look at me. We made eye contact, and I got a little nervous as I shook my head yes.

"Unhhh.... why would that matter, Lar-" Ashley started to say before Todd nudged her, giving her a hard glare.

"Maybe Justin left some weird ass soda in my fridge. He was over the night you came to my apartment, but he left a while before you came. He might've left some soda in the fridge that was like, laced with drugs or something. You know how he is, always looking for new ways to get high or some shit." Larry stated, seeming rather confident in his answer.

"Well, there you have it! An accident, was all it was." Todd smiled, winking.

"Yeah... an accident." I replied, not really believing the words that I spoke. I shook the thoughts out of my mind, stretching. "Let's go to the store or something, I'm bored." I smiled, and everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

We all decided that we'd get ready, changing cloths and stuff, then meet in the lobby in 30 minutes. I decided to throw on a black long sleeved SF shirt, black converse, distressed jeans, and a tired red jacket around my waist. Damn I'm ugly. I threw my hair into two pigtails after brushing it carefully, then slid on my mask. Or, rather, my face. No one has seen me without my mask even my dad has only really seen me like, twice.

I sighed, then made my way down to the lobby to wait for the others. Ashley was the next to arrive, sporting a purple railroad stitch sweater, a black skirt and leggings, and snow boots with tiny fluffy balls hanging from the zipper.


"Hey, Sal!" She smiled, pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back, smiling as well even though she couldn't see. "Do you mind helping me braid my hair real quick?" She asked sweetly. I obliged, taking a hair tie from her and starting the tedious process of intertwining the pieces of hair.

Just as I was about to finish, Todd showed up, a fluffy navy blue coat, jeans, and timberlands.

"Hello, fellow humans." He said jokingly, nudging me. I giggled and finished doing Ashley's hair, then we all talked while waiting for Larry. He's always late, he's probably human be late to his own funeral for Christ's sake. Finally, Larry got with us.

He was wearing a black short sleeved SF shirt with a long sleeved white stripped shirt under it, black distressed jeans, and black timberlands, topping it all off with a man bun.

"Sorry I'm late, mom insisted I helped her with some cleaning." He smiled. We all laughed it off, then started heading towards the door. Just as we excited, Larry wrapped his arm around mine, smiling as he did so.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora