19-YOU WHAT-19

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They left the room for a few minutes all together before returning. I sighed.

"So what's going on?" I asked, sitting up and groaning. Justin handed me a glass vile full of a red sludgy liquid.

"Drink up." He demanded.

"Last time I drank something I didn't question, it was blood." I snarled, waving at it dismissively. He pressed further.

"If you don't drink it, well have to make you. Either way, you're drinking it." Justin snapped back. I rolled my eyes and took it, then chugged it down. Smooth, not the worst taste, and was overall pretty nice.

"Ok. What was it this time?" I asked.

"Blood." Justin smiled. I gasped sharply, holding my hand over my mouth.

"But it didn't- it didn't taste anything;g like Ashley's!" I shouted back.

"That's because she's sick, you doofus. You helped us see that. The blood or her energy leaves a bad taste in your mouth? She's sick. Now, give me your hand." Just explained, then put out his hand.

I took it, but he moved his grip up my arm so I had to as well.

"Now. Close your eyes, and imagine our spirits linking." He instructed, and I obeyed. I suddenly felt... strange.

But I felt way better and I had more energy. My eyes shot open, and my senses were over flooding.

"What'd you do to him?" Larry growled, grabbing Justin's now faintly tattooed arm.

"Saved him. You're welcome, dog. Now, go fetch me my book, please. It's that what you're supposed to do? Fetch?" Justin said condescendingly. I glared at Justin.

"Don't talk to him that way." I snarled, standing up and walking over to Larry. "If you want this book so bad you go get it."

"You never told me was snarky, Larry." Justin smirked, looking awful proud of himself. I felt Larry's fingers gently grasp my arms and look at it.

"You said you wouldn't mark him. You lied..." Larry sighed, intertwining our fingers.

"I didn't... I don't know how it happened but I swear to you I don't. It happened when I transferred energy. Don't blame me for not knowing every small detail about how half bloods work." He snapped. Larry rolled his eyes.

"You know what this means." Larry replied.

"We chop his arm off?" I jumped back a little. Larry and him laughed.

"No. No. All it means is you must pass that mark on, and the person you pass it onto will be in grave pain when you do it. To pass it on just do what you did here with me." Justin winked, smiling.

I sighed. I still have no idea what to do, or what I am. Whatever that means.

"Now. It's getting late. Todd and ash are staying in a room together, and you two are staying in a room together. Please, scurry along. Goodnight, you two." Justin smiled, walking up a long staircase. Larry and I decided on a random guest room downstairs.

I laid on the twin sized bed, looking over to Larry who laid on the one across the room.

"Goodnight, Larry..." I whispered, not expecting an answer.

Until I heard a very faint, muffled.

"Goodnight, SallyFace."

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now