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We arrived at Ashley's two days ago and have finally settled in. Ashley's mom is really nice, we hardly see her dad since he's always at work though. We've been silently tracking MH camps set up near Nockfell apparently these shootings have been happening all over the world. And we're determined to stop it.

I keep seeing shadows. Almost like the red eyed demon but these feel different. They can hurt me, and they have. It's small things, but it's always the same things. Small crosses carved into different parts of my body; my back, arms, legs. Just this morning I woke up with two small crosses on both my wrists. It hurt, and to be honest? I was scared.

I looked over at Larry, who's still braided hair flowed around him like a halo. I watched as his chest slowly rose and fell, and giggled each time he let out a soft snore. There was the soft pat of feet, then someone gently knocked on the door.

I quickly got to my feet, cracking the door and looking out it.

Lisa's friendly smile greeted me.

"Hey, Sal. Can we talk for a second, hun?" She asked. I nodded and stepped into the hallway with her, a chill running up my spine as my feet hit the hardwood floor. "You may have... Well you may have noticed that some of the pack doesn't exactly enjoy your presence.. there's a good reason for that but I still want to apologize on behalf of them." She said.

"Oh I uh... it's alright, really. If you don't mind me asking- what happened?" I asked.

"Well... each of us has had certain... losses because of your kin. Troy, for example... his parents were killed in front of him. The way they did it was... awful. You see, if a vampire takes too much energy from a creature, that thing... shrivels and turns to a thin dust. It's quit gruesome, actually. Then there's Tara, her parents were killed by two people. We call them the twins... they're quit special actually. One is a witch, and one is a vampire and we've never seen inter species twins." Lisa explained. I nodded, not wanting to hear more about how 'people like me' killed their loved ones.

"I want to make them like me, but I don't know how. They all hate me and they don't even know me, I feel like I'm back in Jersey..." I sighed, smiling slightly as Lisa pulled me into a hug.

"Sal, hun. You don't need to prove anything to them. A few bad apples spoil the bunch and they're just too closed minded to see that. I knew you before you were all... Brad Pitt. If you just show them how kind you are, I'm sure they'll eventually warm up to you." She smiled, letting me go.

(Brad Pitt was in interview with a vampire, if you didn't get that reference.)

I nodded, smiling beneath my mask.

"I think I'm gunna go sit outside for a moment. Ya know, flaunt the fact that I can actually be in the sun." I joked, walking out onto the patio. As I walked out I was met with uneasy and territorial stares. "U-Um.... hello." I said, giving the pack a shy wave.

No one responded, just sat there staring.

"You that half blood everyone's talking about?" One finally spoke, a big man with tattoos and a handle bar mustache. I nodded slowly. "I'm sorry that happened, kid. Please forgive these idiots that don't know the difference between a half blood and a true born. They don't know the difference between their asses and their eyes." He smiled, a sudden southern drawl peaking through in his voice. "Nice to meet ya, I'm Mike." He gleamed, sticking out a hand in my direction.

I took it, shaking his hand and smiling. "I'm Sal. Sal Fisher." I replied.

"Helluva grip kid." He stated, going back and sitting down. I smiled, taking a seat on the porch and enjoying the early morning sunrise.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now