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(I hope I can finish this book before chapter 40 cause that's excessive and I feel like people would just get sick of it by then)

I looked at the girl, gazing at her masked mouth. I tried not to stare, knowing how it felt when people would stare at me but it was hard.

"You um... you must be Sal. Sal Fisher. Nice to meet you, I'm Fable Erie." She spoke, her voice muffled by the respirator. She kindly held out her hand, and I took it, shaking it.

"N-Nice..." I tried to say nice mask but failed, deciding to point at my own face. I could tell she smiled, as her cheeks lifted and her eyes seemed to glint in the light.

"Thanks. You too." We pulled away from the handshake, smiling like mad.

"Ahem." Larry muttered, clearing his thought and knitting his eyebrows together. "Were here to help Sal, let's do it!" He stated, looking between the two of us.

Fable flipped a few strands of green and yellow hair behind her shoulder and smiled, offering a hand to Larry.

"You must be Larry. I heard you took good care of him. Thanks, that makes my job easier." She smiled. Larry was hesitant, but took her hand and shook it. "Well, let's get to it. I'll need lavender, lemons, and a few different tiny stones from the backyard." Fable gleamed, turning to everyone in the surrounding room.

Todd sighed, walking into his and Neil's room to I suppose do more research as to the whereabouts of the MH. Neil went outside with maple. Ashley began searching through her kitchen (Chug was too, until he found the chocolate). Larry stayed by me, intertwining our fingers protectively, and Travis stayed looking out the window just Incase the MH showed up.

Fable walked into the kitchen to help search before coming back out with sugar and two lemons. Maple walked in with some dried lavender, and gave it to Fable.

She began doing whatever it was she was doing- squeezing the two lemons into a jar, then adding the dried lavender, 1/2 cup of sugar, and two cups of water. Once she was done combining the ingredients, she sealed the top and shook it lightly. A green mist surrounded her hands and flowed around the jar containing whatever it was she had made, and when she stopped, it looked like purple lemonade.

"Please, drink." She smiled, handing the jar to me. I ever so slightly lifted up my prosthetic and hesitantly downed the liquid, surprised at its sweet taste. I let the cold liquid drip down my throat, savoring the fact that it overpowered the fire I felt in my neck.

"Sal? Can you speak?" Larry asked, taking both my hands in his so he could face me. I pressed my lips together, swallowing hard.

"I.... I think.. yes!" I smiled, the fire now a dull burn. It didn't hurt hardly at all, it was just a bit sore and my voice was slightly groggy. He pulled me into a tight hug and kissed the cheek of my mask.

Suddenly, Todd burst through his bedroom door into the living room.

"I found it! I found all of their camps! Everywhere across the USA, across the world! But most importantly, everywhere in Nockfell!" He shouted, flapping his feathered wings in excitement. I smiled wide.

"Well what're we waiting for? We need a game plan." I paused looking at Todd. "Make up a map of Nockfell, make it as realistic as possible. Maple practice healing spells with Fable, Neil and Chug secure the perimeter with the wolf pack, Ashley get gear ready with Lisa and your mom. Larry?" I looked over at him. "Make sure the Wolfpack Kent's get out of control. Travis? I need your help." Everyone nodded, immediately working as a team to go get what needs to be done, done.

"So what do you need me for?" Travis asked, trotting over to me.

"Well, I need training. I'm not sure what all I can do with my power, but I know this thing," I point to me now very visible mark, which had reappeared after the energy outburst yesterday. "Makes me and everyone here a clear target. It also means I can be of help on the ground attack. We need everyone on their A game, we need healers, rushers, brute force, air attack, everything. That's why I need your help, I need you to train me." I said, gazing at him.

"Well... I can train you, but you have to promise that everything I've ever done, the broken ribs, the slurs, everything will be put behind you so that we can live amongst one another in peace. As friends, not enemies." He pondered, biting his lip.

"Deal." I nodded.

With that we began our training, everyone busy and trying their best to get ready for the next part of our attack.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora