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I woke home sighing as I realized I slept with my mask on. No biggie. Then, I realize I'm in Larry's room and all the memories come flooding back. I shook up out of Larry's bed, running out his bedroom door. Just before I reach the front door to excite I feel a pair of arms slink around my waist; juuuuust before I'm hardcore body slammed into the couch.

"No school today. Canceled by school. Yeah bummer... wanna play video games!?" The tall stoner asked, stretching. I shrug, looking around.

"Where's Lisa?" I asked.

"Had to leave for work early, now c'mon, I wanna spend some time with my best bro before I have to leave tonight." Larry chimed in, smiling.

"Wait, leave? Again? Why always once a month, where do you go between now and tomorrow that's so important?" I asked, frowning as a tinge of jealousy laced my words. He simply laughed.

"Family stuff with mom. Sometimes a few friends, but you wouldn't know em." Larry stated, the energy radiating from him practically spilling into the floor and everywhere else. He always got like this, but, I'm not sure why. It only happened once a month, too. Strange.

We played video games for hours, only stopping for bathroom and snack breaks. It was around 7:12 now, and sunset was at 7:17, when the moon began to peak its head.

"What time do you have to leave, Larry?" I asked, pausing the game and smiling. Larry shrugged, he seemed fidgety and almost acted like he was in pain.

"Dunno. What time is it now?" Larry questioned, his eyes glued to the frozen screen.

"Uhhh it's 7:13 right now." Larry's eyes widened, and he immediately sprung off the floor.

"Only four minutes to pack... shit... Sal get out of here, it's time for you to go." Larry stated, no... demanded, turning to me. We locked eyes, his golden brown eyes glued to me as he studied me. Larry seemed to look me up and down, surveying me as I tried to get him to spill the beans on why he takes these trips.

Out of nowhere, he slammed his fist down onto his dresser, the other one pinching the bridge of his nose as he clenched his teeth in... pain? Anguish?

"Get... out!" Larry practically growled, a guttural and predatory sound rising from his throat. I jumped a bit, he'd never acted like this, what set him off?

"Hey, mo, not until I know you're ok... do you need an Advil, or or-" he cut me off with a sharp glare.

"Please... fuck... no... you have time, Sal, three minutes, go!" Larry screamed, snapping his head around to look at me. His golden brown eyes were a hazy amber, and he stumbled over to his closet before closing the door and locking himself inside. I didn't leave, but I should've. Because the next thing I knew, after just a few second of silence Larry burst out of the closet. His eyes were hungry, and his teeth seamed sharper than normal, the expression on his face growing angry.

I stepped back, he stepped forward, so on. Soon enough, I hit the wall with a hard thud, instinctively raising my shaky hands to my messy pigtails and pulling. I felt feat rise as Larry got closer, yet my hope for him never wavered; even as he raised a hand to my throat, pulling me closer to him so that his mouth was nearly against my ear.

Then, he whispered on simple word, "run.." and I did, running out his front door before... well... passing out. I was terrified, my mind was racing, and I can't handle stuff like that. But somehow, when I came to, I was sitting in bed, an agitated Larry next to my bedside- along with Todd and Ashley of course.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now