18-STOP IT-18

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I sighed and my stomach growled.

"What the hell did you guys give meee..." I huffed, Leaning into Larry. Todd was driving and Ashley was propped up against the window in the front seat.

He wrapped an arm around me, sighing.

"We gave you something to test and see if Ash was sick. She obviously is, and no in order for you not to get sick we need to get you to Justin." Larry mumbled, laying his chin on top of my head.

"If he gets worse, give him your own antidote..." Todd replied from the front seat, his knuckles white.

"Todd. That could kill him because of different... skill sets. We took a risk by giving him Ashley's blood we can't-" I cut him off.

"You gave me Ashley's BLOOD?!??!" I shouted, jerking away from him. He cursed himself. I gagged, turning away from Larry.

"Sal, you need to understand... the situation. Trust me, I'll have Justin explain everything." He pleaded, but I didn't listen.


After about an hour we arrived at Justin's house. Great. Now we're missing school today, too. I was shaking at this point, shivering so hard my teeth were chattering and I felt awful.

Larry carried me up to a huge house I presumed was his friend, Justin's, and Todd helped ash up. Todd knocked on the large, unsettling wooden door.

The disconcerted face of a teenager answered in a groggy voice, but ushered us in when he realized the situation.

"Set him up on the couch, I'll prepare your rooms. Set her up on the table then move her to the bed once I'm done." The teen asked.

He had extremely curly black hair, beautiful deep blue eyes, and two dimples. He smiled comfortingly as he walked away. Larry gentle set me on the couch.

Todd scooped up Ashley in his arms then carefully set her down on a matted table.

"How're you feeling?" Larry asked concerned, moving hair from my face.

"Like a fucking wreck..." I groaned, coughing. His eyebrows knitted together, then he smiled reassuringly.

"You'll be ok. We're here. And Ashley will be ok, too." He smiled, kissing the forehead of my prosthetic then walking away. I blushed lightly and smiled, curling up in a ball. Todd walked over and placed a blanket around me, then sighed.

"I hope everything will be ok. I hope you both will be ok." He smiled, pushing up his glasses then walking away.

Justin walked back into the room.

"May I?" He asked, and Todd nodded after thinking for a moment. Justin picked her up bridal style and then walked her into a room, coming out only a few seconds later. "Does he... know? You know... what he is?" He asked, eyes flicking over to look at me for a moment. Todd shook his head.

"Just... please. Don't tell him straight forward whatever you do. Tell him... secretly." Larry sighed, looking down and gently making circles on the floor with his feet.

"Sal, right? Ok. I know you don't know what it is. But I just need you to understand what you are... it's called a "cadaver sanguine". At least, in some forms of the word. It can also be called a leach, or... ahem. Coffin dweller. You're very special, Sal. And not much can hurt you." He bit his lip, then looked up at Larry.

"And uh... Larry is a type of... uh.. loup garou. The French word for lycanthropy."

What. The shit. Is happening?

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now