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I woke up on the floor, my hands bloodied but the bodies missing. A voice came through the vents, and the mocking tone of Vincent filled my ears.

"How was your first trip, Sal?"

"W-What did you do to me?" I asked, taking in slow shaky breaths.

"That gas we released shows you your worst fear, your inner demons. Now, I'm not sure what you saw, but if it was bad enough for you to claw at your face then pass out, I'd image it was pretty bad." Vincent replied, I could almost hear the smile in his voice.

"It was... fake?" I asked.

"Should I spell it out to you? Y E S. The gas had hallucinogenic qualities. I released them into every other cell, I go in rotations. That's why your dear boy Larry didn't react in a frightened way. But it is the odd numbered cells turns, so I'm assuming he will today." I panicked.. I don't want him to go through what I did.

I started to bang on the very small window connecting our rooms, yelling at him that anything he sees isn't real.

"He can't hear you, you imbecile. Bullet AND soundproof glass, plus a few layers." Vincent hissed through my vents once more, the attitude very prevalent in his voice. I sighed, sliding down the wall and sitting with my knees up to my chest.

I haven't looked at who's on the other side of the second window, I just care about Larry... I felt my eyelids droop, and the tiredness nipped at the back of my mind.

"What... what do you want from us?" I growled under my breath.

"We want to watch you suffer."


I woke up to the sound of frantic banging on my window. I shook my head, standing up and looking through to Larry's side. His eyes were as wide as saucers, and his lip quivered as tears fell down his face.

I sighed, knowing he couldn't hear me even if I tried, so instead I placed my hand on the glass and faked a smile beneath my prosthetic. He bit his lip and turned away from the glass as I smiled, which honestly kinda hurt... was the gas still affecting him? How long was I asleep, anyways?

There was a loud noise at the large reinforced door, then the handle turned and in walked Vincent. I backed up against the far wall, giving him a firm 'I don't like you' stare.

"Aw. Why the long face?" He asked, flinging his arms out dramatically. I rolled my eyes, avoiding looking in his direction. "All I want to do is give you some food." He smiled, placing a trey full of... what looked like vomit in the floor. I gagged, no way in hell a, I eating that. "Eat up." He grinned, walking out the door and sealing it.

How are we supposed to get out of here? There's no way to communicate, and the doors are sealed up tight. I let out a heavy sigh as I sat down, trying to come up with a solution. I messed around with different tricks, having holograms beat on the door, trying to rip it off it's hinges. None of it worked of course.

I even tried teleportation, that didn't work either. All I did was blip from one side of the room to the other, even fell from the ceiling once because I tried looking up while teleporting.

The best thing to do now was look at my other cellmate. I walked towards the window opposite to Larry's and found a very upset looking Travis. I silently celebrated, at least it was someone I knew pretty well and not a new recruit.

Then, an idea popped into my head. I have no idea what the other side of this door looks like, except for the fact that it looks like it'd have a large lock. That ones obvious.

I slowly walked over to the door, reaching my hands out and imagining what the other side might look like. I heard a low hiss as I targeted the lock in my imagination, turning my hands slowly to release the pressure of the door. Was it really working?

Just as I heard a small pop, which meant I could now unlock it, a long blaring siren sounded and the room was drenched in crimson red light. I covered my ears, backing up from the door.

"Uh oh, looks like someone is trying to escape! Seems to me like it's time for the no power zone!" Vincent's voice called out over the vents. Everyone's (from what I could see) rooms had red lights now, meaning almost everyone probably heard that announcement.

My fingers had a tingling sensation in them, then it felt like my whole body just went numb. I turned towards the vent, trying to teleport, but failing. I tried to make holograms, but failed. I tried to lift the disgusting trey of slop with my mind, but nothing budged.

He had just taken away our only means if escape...

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu