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It had been a day or so and everyone was still doing the regular, all of us hardly sleeping. I'd learned a few new tricks- levitation, holographic versions of myself, small bursts of teleportation, and draining energy from a distance, as well as some minor mind control.

"You've progressed fast, and I think I've taught you all I can, since I don't know what all your kind can do." Travis smiled, shrugging. I smiled back, pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you so much, Travis. You've really helped, and you've really redeemed yourself." I chuckled. His face tinted pink and he hugged back.

"No problem. Please, stay safe." He grinned again, pulling away as Todd entered the room.

"Sal, I need to ask you something." He stated, stretching slightly.

"Uh... ok? Go on."

"Will you... lead the attack? maybe not on the battle field, but... would you be part of the brains? Get everyone to a station, give us... orders?" He asked shyly. I grinned widely.

"Of course. If you need a game plan, I'm your guy." I stated, walking out to the living room with him.


We all sat around the large table, the map spread out in front of us with pin-able flags so we know where to group. Red flags were already pinned to the map, revealing all the MH camps in Nockfell.

"Travis, Neil, and Todd. You take air control, you will be team one. Wolf pack, Lisa- you will flank them after the brute force team rushes them, you will be team two. Mike, Larry, Chug- you will be brute force, making the most noise while rushing them and using the most strength so you can push them into team two. You guys will be team three. Ashley, you and your mom will come at them from the sides, helping the healers just incase they get caught in a sticky situation- you're team four. Maple and Fable will be the healers; the defense. Using shields to help those in need and getting them to a point if their injured where they can fight again. You're team five. I, myself, will be switching between the flanking and brute force teams. Everyone understand?" I asked.

There were muttered agreements throughout the small crowd. I began placing blue flags to show people where they'd come in, team one dive bombing after team three attacks. Team two will always stay behind the MH camps, never leaving their flanking position unless absolutely necessary. Team four and five will stick together, and team five will stick with the banshees (Ashley and her mom) just incase they can't defense themselves.

I was extremely worried- there was 15 of us and 35 men in each MH camp. I didn't lose hope, though, as they kept prisoners that I'm sure would join our cause once we freed them.

I'm not so worried about the MH hunters themselves... but I know what power they hold.

I know what power they have.

The red eyed demon.

The cult made a deal with the MH clan, I know this because I stole an occultists book, and it turned out to be a planner/ diary. I had stolen it after the first time we found that spooky cult basement thing under the Addison Apartments.

Everyone went out to the living room except Larry and I.

"Are you sure you're up to this, Blue?" He asked, pulling me closer and giving me a concerned look.

"I'm sure. I'm just worried about losing anyone... especially you." I replied, leaning my head into his shoulder. We enjoyed our moment, feeling the warmth of one another's embrace.

There was a knock at the door then Mike came in, smiling.

"You two love birds better get ready- we leave at 11 under the darkness of the night." He smiled, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorway. Larry and I blushed a bit, then pulled away and followed mike outside.

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