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So this is for the story, and it's kinda an explanation of what each character is, their power, what they can do, their weaknesses, all that Jazz.

For Todd I actually created a mythical creature, I don't know if there's anything exactly like it and stuff. I will talk about full bloods versus half bloods, all that good stuffs.


A full blooded vampire is made when a human is bitten by/ brought back to life by a vampire. If you are bitten, there's a slim chance you will be a full blood, most of the time bites create half bloods.

Full blooded vampires CAN go in the sun, but will have consequences. They can stay in the sun for up to two hours, after that their skin will burn, shrivel, and they will pull a "mr. stark I don't feel so good." Turning to a thick dust.

Crosses are not a weakness, nor are churches themselves. However, holy water does hurt them, burning their skin as it makes contact.

Garlic? No. Garlic doesn't hurt them, that's dumb. Like, "hey Joey what's your weakness?" "Fucking GARLIC"

A full blooded vampire must ask permission before entering a home, it is the law of the council.

Vampires different skill sets include:
-Seduction (if they plan to drain the energy or drink the blood of their victim).
-slight mind control; lasts up to 50 minutes.
-a shadow form, making them look as though they're hardly even there 
-very small examples of telekinesis, floating small objects towards them.

Vampires may die if bitten by a werewolf.
werewolves come about when a human is cursed, bitten, or scratched. Half blooded werewolves are only born if the offspring of a human and werewolf is born.

Silver is a very known weakness of these wolf people, slight cuts even from silverware will be extremely painful for the recipient.

Holy water is the only other weakness of these large creatures. Just like vampires, it burns their skin.

When they transform, under the night of a full moon or under extreme danger, their features elongate and burst.

Unlike tradition werewolves, these creatures can learn to harness their power and control it, changing to their wolf form whenever their feel like it; but they still must change the night if a full moon.

Unlike most depictions of these beasts, werewolves whom aren't alphas will transform into something of a dire wolf more so than a large, hairy man. Therefore during full moons they can pass as pets, and are usually fairly safe as long as they have someone by their side.

If a werewolf loses control, their loved one can take an item of their clothing and let them have it, then say I love you and tell them their name.

Werewolves may die if bitten by a vampire.

Demons are foul creatures that harness unbelievable power. They are fallen angles and therefor there are no half bloods, and if a human tries to reproduce with a demon, the female bearing the child will die painfully, yet the demon will be born.

Their weaknesses consist of the normal things:

Holy water.

Latin bible verses.

Their powers consist of:
-Seduction, but instead of to drain energy, it's to remove the soul of the victim.
-Telekinesis in a large amount.
-The ability to curse other beings.
-Lastly, the ability to coax others into becoming their own personal 'zombie'. Basically mind control.

Witches are pretty cliché, their powers aren't extremely strong but don't underestimate them.

When using their powers, a witches eyes glow a very bright neon green. Those powers are:
-cursing others.
-Ability to make cliché potions.
-They make spell books, but mainly just for money and the praying in of innocent humans.
-Their powers can be joyous, much like Dazzler from the X-Men they can convert sound into small, beautiful lights; kinda like colorful fireflies. They're basically the perfect disco ball.
-they can communicate with nature and talk to animals. How cute.

A banshee and a sirens powers go hand in hand, as both rely on their voice for their powers. These creatures can only be born women, and have hauntingly beautiful singing voices.

Many of these women use their power for good, but it all depends. Who ever hears their singing feels the emotion the siren is trying to convey through the music; immediately being happy or sad. A lot of sirens, for some reason, become doctors; you can put a patient to sleep easily or you can make them feel better. Isn't that nice?

Sirens can calm clouded minds, being able to bring down the likes of giants and demons.

ציפור (Birdman): the species I created!
A ציפור is an ancient species, the offspring of a human and a shapeshifter. These creatures posses large wings, the color corresponding with the color of their natural hair.

These creatures have the ability to hide their wings, molding them into their back and making them appear human. If threatened immensely, their wings will shoot from their back and become a defense for them, acting as armor.

Yes, these beings can fly, their wingspan depends on their age and how much damage their wings take during childhood. They posses super human strength, but those are really all they can do: fly and be stronk!

Usually these beings are also very smart, too.


Half bloods posses the same power as full bloods, but their powers aren't as powerful and their weaknesses aren't as abundant. Half blooded vampires can be in the sun all they want, and don't have to ask to enter a home.

Half blooded werewolves aren't able to be the alpha of packs, instead being treated as a weakling: an omega.

If you have any questions, ask them! I will answer anything ♥️

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