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I heard a lot of murmuring from the paramedics as they hauled me into an ambulance. I tried and failed to sit up, but caught a glimpse of a teary-eyed Larry.

"Sir, please step back." A kind lady asked.

"No! He! *sniff* He's my best friend! I wanna go with him!" Larry cried before pushing his way into the back of the ambulance. The lady sighed, letting it slid as there was no reasoning with him.

A very kind officer gave Todd and Ashley a ride to the hospital, trailing the wailing ambulance.

I looked around, my gaze catching Larry's.

"Am I going to die?" I asked softly as the paramedic slipped a needle into my arm and one into my hand. Larry's eyes widened, and he grabbed my hand. I winced a bit, feeling the needle shift as he squeezed my hand.

"I won't let that happen. Even if it's the death of me, i, Larry Johnson, swear to you, Sal Fisher, that I won't let that happen." Larry gleamed, pressing his chapped lips against my freezing hands.

"You won't die, hun. Sir, I think he may need a blood transfusion. Now son, I need to know if you know anyone with type A blood? Maybe even just type O." She smiled sweetly, yet a firmness gripped her voice.

"I uh... ack... yeah. I know someone." Larry replied. They continued their conversation, but I didn't listen, slowly fading in and out of consciousness. Eventually, I muttered Larry name softly, my hand slipping out of his as my vision went blank.


"You did WHAT?!"

"Larry, do you not grasp the reality of the situation?! Do you not realize what you just did to him?"

"Look, he would've died if he didn't get that transfusion, I did what I had to! I did it for Sal!"

"You doomed him, Larry. He could've had a normal life if you asked Veronica for her blood, she would've made the trip down here from California to save him."

"Why... just... Larry look at me, square in the eyes and tell me why. You knew what would happen to him if you gave him Justin's blood, you knew what he would become!"

Voice continued arguing, but all I could focus on was the soft sound of the heart monitor. I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"Guys?" I mumbled, my voice groggy and shaken.

"Sal!" Larry shouted, wrapping his arms around me. I smiled and hugged back, feeling my prosthetic on my face. "They put your prosthetic back on after surgery, I told them you didn't like exposing your face. None of us saw it, promise." Larry reassured, rubbing circles on my back. We pulled away, then I received hugs from both Ash and Todd.

"Ugh... I'm so hungry. And the lights are so bright... mmm... I don't mean to complain, but for the love of all things holy please turn off those lights." The three looked at one another, then focused on me. I shrugged, smiling as Larry got up and dulled the lights.

After that we talked for a while, at least until something happened; the heart monitor flatlined. I still felt fine, great even, but it went dead. All of my vitals pointed to me being deceased.

Nurses rushed in, confused by a still very alive me, then they unhooked it, leaving all the machines lifeless. I sighed, stretching before eventually falling asleep after Todd and Ashley left.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now