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(Not the last chapter :) thank you for all your supportive comments!)

I felt as though I was going to pass out, seeing my mother again. Well... it wasn't really my mother, but it looked like her. I cried. No, I balled.. sobbed even.

"Your mother wouldn't be happy, seeing her son so weak, would she? Why are you so scared, young man? Or should I say son?" Vincent mocked still with my mother's face and voice.

"You're not her! My mother is dead! She's. DEAD!" I screamed. I'm getting weaker by the second.

You see, when a vampires energy gets completely drained they have one minute to get more before they die. But the death isn't quick like being turned to dust. First the body shuts down, and they feel the weakest they've ever felt. They can hardly lift a finger, and it's even hard for them to open their eyes.

Then, their eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and nails start to bleed. Just before their death, all the pain they've ever felt in their entire life is felt again, all at once; this is so that their last moments are as painful as can be, and usually they die of the pain quicker than the no energy. All of this takes place I around two minutes after their one minute is up.

Suddenly, he stopped, letting go of me and standing up.

"Looked like I've drained you dry. Sorry about that, son." He growled, turning back to his original form. "Chow." He mumbled, walking away to help his men fight.

I didn't think anyone would notice me, until I heard a frightened shout and acne face to face with maple.

"Holy fuck! No no no no... you can't, you can't die! Fuck what do you need?!" She shouted, her healing not doing anything to help my situation.

"Ene..r...gy...." I mumbled, hardly able to talk.

Maple thought for a moment, then put my hand on her arm, "use me! Just take a little, it'll be ok!" She shouted. I knew that wouldn't be enough, and I'd kill her if I tried. 

"Dead...g...gua...rd..." I whispered. Maple immediately stood up, dragging over a dead MH agent. I grabbed its arm, and started trying to drain its energy, but.. something was wrong. I wasn't getting anything, the agent was just... not giving me any. Vincent walked over with a smug look, and Maple got defensive.

"I've drained every single dead body in here, using your form. Now you'll have to either kill someone yourself, or let yourself die." He smiled. Maple started panicking.

"Fuck where the fuck is Larry?!" Maple shouted. I've never heard her scream... or cuss. One of the Wolfpack ran over- it was Sage. She started freaking out as well, then along came Larry. I hate this... there's too many people not fighting that are focusing on me.

"Go... f...fight...." I mumbled. I knew time was running out.

"No!" They growled. I sighed.

"If... I.. take from...a..any o..of you... I won't be.. able to.. control how much... I take.. I'll kill you..." I hissed under my breath.

"No! Take energy from a distance! Like-like you did in the other fights!" Larry cried, choked sobs falling off his tongue. Travis flew down from air control.

"I care about him, too." Travis sighed, taking energy from an agent across the room. "This may not work, though.." he sighed. Travis walked over to Maple, grabbing her arm. She looked shocked, as she thought he was taking her energy.

"I feel... refreshed." She smiled.

"Now, sal... drain her." Travis mumbled. I obeyed, grabbing her arm and very slowly draining her energy. Travis grabbed Sage and Larry's arms, draining a very small portion of theirs. Larry growled, then relaxed as he transferred more to Maple.

I was feeling... a tiny bit better. I opened my eyes and my skin regained its pigment.

"It's working!" Maple shouted happily. Larry ran off with Sage back into the midst of the battle field, Travis went back with air control.

"Thank you, Maple." I grinned. She seemed so happy...

So so happy...

Then, her eyes went cold... dark, lifeless... and her limp body fell all the way to the ground.

I was confused, I didn't know what happened until I saw the blood pooling around her head, and saw the happiness drain from her face.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now