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I sighed, messing with Larry's hair. I decided to do a 'viking' hairstyle, just placing two tight braids on either sides of his hair, keeping the middle chunk of hair out.

"Thanks, Blue." He smiled, causing my face to flush slightly.

"Hey, sal?" Travis asked. I looked over at him, tilting my head slightly. "Have you ever asked Maple if she could... heal your face?"

I thought about it, pondering the words 'heal'.

"Well... no. While I do wish that I was normal, this mask has become apart of me- apart of whom I am. I've learn to except the scars my face has, and I know that no amount of magic can take that away." I smiled. Travis seemed to notice and smiled back.

"That sounded so cheesy." Larry snickered from beside me. This earned laughs from both Travis and I, but we stopped when one of the people from the living room walked in.

"Hey, Larry. Can we talk to you for a sec....? Just.. us actual family." He asked, shooting glares at Travis and I. I felt my heart sink... what did I ever do to them? Larry looked at me for approval before leaving the room. After he left Lisa walked in, a warm motherly smile plastered on her tanned complexion.

"Heya, Sal." She said, pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back, nearly crying but I wasn't sure why. I just felt safe around her and Larry, but Lisa reminded me so much of my mom that it hurt.

Lisa pulled away from the hug and held her hand out to Travis.

"Hello. My name is Lisa,mom afraid we haven't met... you must be?" She asked kindly. But her soft expression dwindled as Travis spoke his name. "I've heard a lot about you, young man.. not very good things. Please prove my judgment wrong." She stated.

"Yes ma'am. I promise." Travis spoke.

"I really do hope so.." Lisa mumbled, walking out of Larry's room.

"Wow... she actually took that a lot better than I expected. When you cracked my ribs I thought she was going to march down to the school and actually kill you." I smiled.

After a few more minutes the rest of the group came in, all with bags.

"Everyone ready?" Todd asked.

"Well, Larry is still talking to his... pack?" I stated. Todd nodded, pushing up his glasses. Suddenly, Larry walked through the door.

"Sal... we need to talk." He stated, a serious tone peaking through. I nodded, taking his hand and letting him lead me just outside his apartment door.

"So, what is it?" I asked. He tensed up slightly.

"Sal. They uh... hate you. You know that... but they brought a past friend here... one they want me to be with, and she... she's dangerous, sal. And I don't want you to get hurt." He stated, playing with my hair. He did that a lot when he was nervous.

"It's ok, Larry. I'll be ok. I promise, I can take care of myself." I smiled, lifting up my mask and kissing his cheek.

"As long as you think so..." he smiled, walking back into the apartment and into his room to meet up with the others. He smiled, greeting each of them.

After some small conversation we got ready to go and started the drive (with like four different cars) to Ashley's house.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now