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I growled under my breath... they just fucking shot her. Tears stung my eye as I got up and stared at the MH guards. They seemed unfazed, and a small group closed in. I did what I didn't even know I could do, and took energy from all of them at once.

I smiled as their faces turned into terrified scowls, then laughed a bit as they slowly turned to dust. The agents numbers were going down fast, and we were about to triumph. But where was Vincent?

A few more moments, and we'd be done, at least with the agents. There was three of them left and 18 of us left. We closed in on them, refusing as they begged for mercy.

We finished them off, then looked around at the now bloodied gym flood.

"Where's the bastard that started this all?!" Larry shouted, his voice echoing off the rooms wall.

"Oh, that's not me, trust me. The "bastard" that started this all is a large, powerful group of people. And... a being." Vincent smiled, walking inside the gym from the French doors. We all turned our heads to look at him and... the dark shadowed figure next to him, it's red eyes piecing through us.

"He's here..." I whispered, walking backwards slowly.

"Aw.. do you know it, Fisher? Because it sure knows you, and it has told me oh so much about you." He smiled, taking a step closer. I took another step back, looking at Larry. "So many secrets, Sal. Like what's under that mask.. how many times have you really tried taking your own life? HOW many bruises has your dad given you in a drunken rage?" He snarled. "And that's just the half of it."

I felt Larry take my hand. Suddenly the red eyed demon disappeared and reappeared next to me. I jumped a bit, walking away from it. It glared at me, then suddenly it seemed to grab Larry's arm and disappear with him. I reached out, shouting as he disappeared.

"Where did you take him?!" I yelled, running at Vincent. He stopped me, shaking his head and sighing.

"Where I want us all to go." He smiled. The room went completely dark, and I suddenly felt queasy. When my vision came back, we were somewhere different. We were each in small rooms, windows connecting each one. I looked through mine, and noticed that the room next to mine was Larry's.

The door seemed reinforced... were they keeping us in cells? Jesus...

I heard a hissing noise above me, and a gas slowly seeped into the room. I panicked, trying as hard as I could to just hold my breath. Larry panicked, his room wasn't filling with anything. He banged on the window, but to no avail.

I swore I heard small squishing noises, the sound of writhing worms and decaying corpses. I turned and, there it was- my mothers corpse. Next to Larry's. Their entrails payed neatly beside them in a pile, and maggots slithered in and out of their decaying bodies.

I felt like I was going to puke, I looked back at the window and saw Larry, but... he was dead. Decaying. I screamed, pulling up my mask and running to a corner to puke. I heard more sloshing and squirming. I looked down at my arms and started to breath heavily.

There were red cuts all down my arm, bleeding and infected, but the worst part was what was in them. Maggots fell from the wounds, crawling around on the floor at my feet. I fell to the ground, sobbing and curling into the fetal position.

"It's not real, it's not real, IT'S NOT REAL!" I screamed, pulling at my hair and squeezing my eyes shut.

TEETH MARKS (SallyFace Monster AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt