13. Why are you here?

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Already while changing in the locker room before the morning training I start getting nervous. I'm not good at talking to strangers or people I don't know that well unless they approach me first, so I'm really pushing my boundaries. I carefully glance at the guys to try and pick a candidate. 

My initial thought is of course the team captain. He's reliable, strong, and has his shit together. Just what I'm looking for, however just like Taehyung he has a bad trait: He can't keep his mouth shut. If I tell him I need help, and especially why I need help, there's no doubt in my mind that he'll let it slip to someone else. I'll have to look for someone else. 

I take a good look at everyone else who's here, but I find something wrong with each and every one of them. Too impulsive, too cocky, too flirtatious, too rude etc. Even the coach is out of the equation since he's too pushy. Maybe it's just because I dislike most of them because of my own insecurities, but I don't think that anyone here can-

"What the hell are you staring at, faggot?"

I snap out of my thoughts and realize that standing way too close for comfort is the best swimmer on the team, and also the number one douche bag: Philip. He's not even Korean. He's a transfer student from America and yet he pushes everyone around like he own the place. What a piece of shit. 

"Excuse me? What did you just call me?" I ask as calmly as I can, but it doesn't sound very calm at all.

"I called you a faggot because I saw you staring at everyone while we're changing. If you were hoping I'd let you suck my dick, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to disappoint you," he says with an ugly grin. "I'm only into omegas and occasionally betas, female at that. A sorry excuse of an alpha like you doesn't cut it for me."

I can't believe this guy. Here I am minding my own business and he decides to mess with me for no good reason. I want to kick his ass, but I won't. I need to calm the fuck down and learn to control myself, not the other way around.

"You're disgusting," I say and head towards the showers to get rid of him since I'm done changing already. 

He doesn't make it easy for me though because he follows me there and gets in under the shower head right next to me. 

"But man, who would've thought you'd be obvious enough to check people out while changing? You must have really weird taste in partners if you're into other alphas. Or perhaps you can't get anyone else to like your ugly face? Are you that desperate to get someone to fuck you that you resort to alphas?"

I turn off the shower and clench my fist as I walk towards the pool without saying anything to him. I can feel him smiling contently as he follows me like a puppy. 

"Can't even answer me, huh? No wonder no one likes you. Both an ugly face and an ugly personality! You should work on that unless you wanna end up sucking alpha cock the rest of your sad little life."

I know he's pushing my buttons on purpose, but he's really fucking annoying and someone should teach this guy a lesson. I spin around so fast that I manage to surprise him and I glare at him. He's slightly taller than me, but I'm not scared. Behind those words is no action. Probably. Hopefully.

"Listen here, you piece of shit," I say through clenched teeth. "I wasn't checking people out and even if I did my sexuality is none of your business. Go annoy someone else before I punch your fucking teeth in."

I don't know what I expected, but since he's a cocky alpha a smile isn't unexpected at least. He scoffs at me at takes a step closer. I want to stand my ground, but my foot slides back a little on it's own. 

"Are you challenging me?" he asks, sounding somewhat amused. "Because I want to do nothing more than to punch your teeth in."

I shouldn't fight him. I know I shouldn't. It's not good. It's the opposite of what I'm supposed to be doing right now. But it's really fucking tempting. 

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