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' You can only come back home under one condition...'

' Anything I'll gladly do it.'

' Don't be too quick to agree husband.'

Jabari sat back in his chair expecting her condition to involve one of his cars or money.

' I get to have sex with whomever I choose. Just one person so we can be even.'

' Huh! You're joking right fam!'

They call each other fam which started out as a joke and it became their affectionate name. Anathi looked at him with a straight face.

' Nathi tell me you're joking. Please tell me you're joking.'

It felt like he was kicked in the chest as soon as she said that. His breath left his lungs and he could not breathe. Anathi watched him throw back the rest of his drink and almost choke on it.

' Nah fam!!'

He said out of breath and she just kept her straight face.

' I cannot allow that. Ask for something else ask for the cars, the most expensive bag on earth. All my money, anything but not that.'

' Why?'

' I cannot stand by and accept that my wife is somewhere out there giving what is mine to someone else.'

' You did though?'

Jabari looked at her not sure what to say. He closed his eyes for a second picturing somebody who was not him touch her dark chocolate skin, kissing her all over and he quickly opened his eyes. It was a nightmare just to think about it and he just could not agree to it.

' You see how you feel and I haven't even done anything. Now wonder how I felt when you confessed. How I feel everytime I remember what you did and always remember this feeling when you even dream of sleeping with another woman.'

' So you're not serious about me _uhm_ huh_ I cannot even say it.'

He used his suit handkerchief to wipe the sweat on his face.

' No I'm not. Just wanted to scare you a little.'

' Sheesh you almost gave me a heart attack there but I understand. I also promise you that I will never cheat and hurt you how I did last year. I know my words do not mean much right now but it's all I have.'

' Can I sleep on it for a day or two.'

' I can give you three days but please give me another chance.'

' I will get back to you in three days.'

Jabari kissed her left hand and he noticed she had on her wedding ring. Since the day he came clean to her about sleeping with her cousin a year ago, she had stopped wearing her wedding and engagement ring.

' When did you start wearing your rings?'

Anathi looked at her ring and smiled. She had been wearing it for a while.

' I think for the past three months. Had it on at your event.'

' How come I did not notice till now?'

' That's because your attention was somewhere else.'

The look in his eyes turned from love to lust as they both thought about the events from the night before. Her leg went up his thigh under the table and sensually rubbed him up and down.

' Is everything _'

The waiter paused when Jabari shivered causing Anathi to giggle. She did not mean to touch him there.

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