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Jabari was woken up by the keys jiggling at his front door. He checked the time to find it was one in the morning before opening the front door to find a highly intoxicated Anele struggling to unlock it. Irritated,he pulled her roughly into the house and closed the door. Locking it.

' Did you drive here!?'

' No Silly. Asa's boyfriend did. He texted you to come pick me up but you weren't responding.'

She wrapped her arms around his neck to kiss him but he removed her hands.

' Just a little kiss fam.'

' Anathi where's my bag of weed.'

Her eyes went wide as if she was shocked and placed her index finger on her lips.

' I've been a naughty girl. Asa and I had weed and cognac. That was some great shit though.'

He now understood why she looked more drunk than high as she swayed from left to right and flirted with him. He understood that she needed to let off some steam but he did not understand how she could stay out this late, as a mother.She grabbed him by his pyjama pants when he tried to walk away.

' Where are you going lover boy!?'

' Anathi it's late. I'm going to bed and I suggest that you also go to bed.'

' Not till I get my kiss.'

Knowing she would not leave him alone till he did. He pecked her lips only for her to slide her tongue in and grab him by his hair. He had forgotten how being drunk and high caused her to be horny.

' Okay that's enough. Time for bed.'

He carried her to their bedroom with difficulty since she kept trying to grab at his crotch. He helped her undress and she refused to dress. She wanted to have sex.

' Anathi! No stop it, you're drunk. I don't think you know what you're doing.'

' I know and I want you to fuck me. Give me a baby like you did her!'

He shook his head.

' Anathi can we discuss this when you're sober -'

' No I want your baby and I want it now! What?! Am I not good enough to bear you a child like my size four cousin.'

' Babe you're more than good enough. You gave me four beautiful children and which I intentionally made with you.'

' Then give me another baby, if any of the is true. I want your baby too Jabari.'

' Anathi this is crazy get into bed and we will discuss this later.'

She pushed him away and got off the bed accusing him of being inlove with her cousin not her. She accused him of using her to fill the void that Lala had left when they broke up. He sat silently listening to her rant knowing that if he interrupted, it would only be worse. She slammed the bedroom door and walked out naked into the kitchen and he followed her to find her watching their wedding video in tears.

' Babe don't do this.'

' No get the fuck away from me since you won't give me what I want.'

He finally gave in after watching her for a minute cry about him not giving her a baby. It was uncomfortable since he felt forced but it was the only way to calm her down.

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