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Jabari gently knocked on the huge doors of his in-laws home. He had meant to talk to his father in-law during their golf game but he chickened out. Especially when he realised he still knew nothing about him allegedly fathering his nieces son. He did not know why his wife had not told him but he felt he had to. Especially after he promised not to hurt his daughter. He swallowed hard when the door knob turned but it had to be done.

' Jabari?, what are you doing here? Alone?'

His mother-in-law said looking behind him.

' Hi mma. Is pops around?'

' Yes, he is in the back attending to his trees.'

He thanked her and walked past her to towards the back door. He began sweating when he noticed him with huge trimming scissors in his hands and he knew how to handle them. He began having second thoughts about confessing his sins. His mother-in-law came behind him and patted his shoulder.

' Go ahead. You'll be fine. I think.'

' That's reassuring miss Winnie.'

Even though he knew she was joking, he could not help fear walking out into that backyard. He slowly pushed the sliding door open and stepped out to what might be his last day on this earth.

' Oh hey son? What a pleasant surprise.'

It might not be so pleasant old man, Jabari thought when his father-in-law turned and walked up to him. He did not even have to call out to him or pat him on his shoulder as he had on ear muffs for him to notify him of his presence. It was like he could sense him. He took the ear muffs off as Jabari wondered why he had them on. Till he saw the electric saw at the far end of the yard. Shit!

' Sit down son. Why are you standing there looking like a wet chicken?'

' There's something serious I need talk to you about.'

He waited for him to drink the cup of water he had poured himself. He did not want to anger the old man and cause him to choke.

' Carry on son.'

' I want you to understand that this was not intentional. Well not like when I cheated on your daughter and I am still not sure how it happened. I cannot even believe it happened.'

' Are we going to sit here and talk in riddles or are you going to explain to me what happened?'

He pulled on his ear nervously before internally saying a mini prayer. His father-in-law made it hard for the words to come out so he looked away and blurted it out.

' Lala's son is mine.'

He kept his head bowed afraid to look up. Afraid to see the anger and disappointment on his face. After all his father in-law was as much of as a father to him as his own father was.

' When did you find this out?'

' About a week ago.'

' Does my daughter know?'

' Yes she does and she's not taking it well at all.'

' Well that's how you take such news. Did you expect her to rejoice and pat you on the back?'

' No sir.'

' What do you want from me?'

' To apologize and ask for advice.'

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