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Anathi walked into her mother's house where her and her cousin were supposed to be meeting. Her mother felt like it would be a mutual place where nothing would happen.As they both knew to respect her home.

' Thank you for coming.'

He mother said pulling her in for a hug.

' I has no choice mama. You and Jabari practically forced me to sit down with my backstabbing whore of a cousin.'

' Anathi!, watch your language in my house. You not to old to get an ass whopping.'

Mentally she rolled her eyes and walked out to the backyard where he sat with his youngest daughter.

' Asa what are you doing here?'

' I am here to support you sis and to make sure that b.i.t.c.h doesn't try anything.'

' You're too much baby girl. You know I'm not one of you sister's children right or that old for you to think spelling out words will confuse me.'

' Sorry dad. Didn't want you to scold me for cussing in your house.'

' It makes no difference and your mother said no fighting and I do not want to find out today how those guards from love and hip hop do it either.'

The girls looked at each other surprised that he knew what love and hip hop was. They burst out laughing as soon as he was out of sight.

' Okay, now tell me why you agreed to see the wicked whore from the west?'

' Well my husband manipulated me into doing it. He asked me this morning to have a sit down with her and try to make amends and also talk to her about disccusing this issue with child supporting out of court. I told him I'd do it if he talks to his mother. Hoping that he would disagree but he didn't.'

' Wait? What? Are you serious? Do you think he will go through with it.'

' He's actually there as we speak. He texted me on my way here that he was on his way there.'

' There's going to be a real blood bath today. How I wish I was a fly on the wall and get a front seat view of all the drama.'

' Is it weird that I wish I was there too but not for your crazy reason but to offer my husband support. He will need it-'

Anathi was cut off by her cousin walking out into the backyard with her cousin. Who no one in the family really liked because she was more messy than Lala. Asa stepped up infront of her sister when they approached them.

' Relax baby girl. I'm not here to fight. Just got my nails done today. I came to say hello and you guys know cousin Sharon.'

' Yes. Nice to see you again Shaz.'

Anathi was polite while Asa glared at them. Sharon also kept mugging Asa and did not reply to her greeting. Her mother walked in with refreshments and snacks.

' Okay ladies come sit down and let's get started.'

They sat down around the table with Asa opposite Lala and Anathi opposite Sharon.

' You know if Jay would just accept responsibility for his child, I would not be dragging him to court right now.'

' He doesn't believe he should since he did not intentionally or willingly make that baby.'

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